Thursday 2 May 2019

Is Laser hair removal safe?

The Myth 1: Is laser hair removal safe on all hair types.

Answer: Everyone’s hair is different, so Results of laser hair removal vary by hair thickness, hair color and by your skin type, so the only way to tell how your own hair may be affected, and removed, via laser treatments is to get a doctor’s assessment.

The Myth 2: Laser hair removal actually causes more hair to grow.

Answer: Laser hair removal doesn’t cause more hair to grow. Every person has their own hair growth patterns and everyone’s bodies are constantly changing. Some people will lose body hair over time, and some will grow more hair in new places as they age. Lasers can destroy hair follicles, but they’re not magical: they won’t create new ones, and they won’t prevent new hair follicles from growing over time.

Laser hair removal

The Myth 3: Laser hair removal won’t work on certain hair colors.

Answer: While it’s true that laser hair removal is more difficult for red hair, that doesn’t have the pigment that lasers need to target them, today’s high-quality laser hair removal systems have evolved to target previously difficult-to-zap hair colors. White hair and gray hair won’t be removed by laser treatment, though, since these hair colors lack pigmentation.

The Myth4: Laser hair removal exposes you to radiation.

AnswerLaser hair removal systems approved by the IMA do not emit radiation. While radiation does exist between the light barriers of the laser, it does not exit that space, so it’s not harmful to the patient.

The Myth 5: You can get permanent hair removal in one long laser hair removal session.

Answer: Sorry, this one is pure myth. It’s impossible to get rid of all hair growth through one hair removal session. Hair grows in different cycles, and in different timing, so while your laser hair removal treatment will target hairs that are grown on your body, there are other follicles about to sprout new hairs. The best results of laser hair removal treatments happen after several treatments, when each hair follicle can be lasered during its optimal timing.

The Myth 6: Laser hair removal treatments cause burns.

Answer: While it’s rare and often temporary, burns from laser hair removal treatments may occur, particularly if you have dark skin. Talk to your dermatologist about side effects from laser hairremoval treatment, and to have your skin assessed for pre-treatment expectations.

KEMPS Skin Clinic, Vaishali, Sec-4 is the best Skin clinic in Ghaziabad for laser hair removal, you may book prior appointment  and get proper solution for unwanted hairs.

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