Friday 27 August 2021

Laser Hair Removal is a permanent solution of unwanted hairs

Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the India It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. That destroys the hair.Laser hair removal uses light to target the pigment in individual hairs. The light travels down the shaft of the hair and into the hair follicle. The heat from the laser light destroys the hair follicle, and a hair can no longer grow from it. Laser hair removal requires several treatments over the course of 2 to 3 months.

Is laser hair removal permanent solution?

Hair removal from a destroyed hair follicle is permanent. However, people who undergo hair removal can expect that some hair in the targeted area will grow back. After some time, it may be possible to treat the area again to reduce the number of hairs that regrow.

If a hair follicle is damaged but not destroyed, the hair will eventually regrow. It can be difficult to destroy every single hair follicle, so most people will see some hair regrowth.

When hair regrows, it is possible to treat it again, so people who want to remove all the hair may need several treatments. In some cases, hair may be too light, too short, or resistant to treatment. In these cases, a person might choose to use other hair removal methods, such as plucking stray hairs.

How long does laser hair removal last?

Laser hair removal is permanent when the hair follicle is destroyed. When the hair follicle is only damaged, the hairs will eventually regrow.The amount of time it takes for the hair to regrow depends on the person’s unique hair growth cycle. Some people have hair that grows more quickly than others. Hair that is in a resting phase will grow back more slowly than hair that is in another phase.

Most people can expect some hair regrowth with in a few months. Once this happens, they can opt for more removal treatments.

Side effects and risks:

During treatment, some people experience burning, stinging, or discomfort. For this reason, many technicians apply a numbing cream to the area they are treating. However, some people may have an allergic reaction or skin irritation in response to the numbing cream.

Minor side effects are common, and may include:

·         Changes in the color of the skin, particularly in people with dark skin, which are usually temporary

·         Skin redness

·         Blistering or crusting of the skin

Sometimes, irritation related to hair removal can cause scarring. Damaged skin can also become infected. Skin infections can spread and become life-threatening. After analyzing detailed medical Condition and discussing risks and benefits can help the provider determine the right treatment, reducing the risk of serious side effects.

A person should avoid sun exposure. The sun can irritate the skin, which increases the risk of blisters and scars.People who experience intense pain, a fever, crusting, blisters, or other signs of skin damage or infection should seek medical attention.

For more information related to Laser hair removal treatment you may contact KEMPS Skin Clinic, Vaishali sec-4 Ghaziabad.

Friday 20 August 2021

Phototherapy and Important facts

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is the use of ultraviolet (UV) light for its healing effects. Phototherapy has been used worldwide for nearly a century to treat chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, vitiligo and severe eczema.

While many treatments decrease the overall immune system, UV light can be used to decrease the local immune system in the skin. In conditions such as psoriasis, light therapy can also slow down the development of thick, scaly skin. UV light therapy is used in vitiligo for its additional ability to stimulate melanocytes, the skin's pigment-producing cells. This makes phototherapy a nice treatment option for just about anyone—especially those who don't like creams, those wanting a natural treatment, a steroid-free treatment, and those wanting additional control using a combination of therapies. Phototherapy is also a good option to consider for children and women during pregnancy.

How often is phototherapy needed?

Phototherapy treatments are typically administered three times a week. In psoriasis, significant improvement may be seen within two weeks. For people with vitiligo, phototherapy treatment is more complex. The length of time you have had vitiligo, the body locations you want to treat and the activity of your vitiligo all influence the rate of repigmentation. Potential for response is greatest in those who have initiated treatment within 2 years of diagnosis, treat the face and neck, and who have stable, unchanged vitiligo without signs of activity. Those with signs of active vitiligo warrant more aggressive treatment often including full body phototherapy and oral steroids.


Phototherapy treatments as a whole have a number of risks that should be known.

For one, ultraviolet rays can cause progressive and gradual damage to your skin on a molecular level. This premature aging of the skin is also known as photoaging.

Exposure to high amounts of artificial ultraviolet light also increases your risk of developing skin cancer. The more treatments you undergo and the fairer your skin, the higher your risk of getting skin cancers.

 Frequent phototherapy treatments can also lead to immunosuppression. Basically, light therapy can suppress your immune system, leaving your body open to diseases, infections, and skin cancers too.

Further, undergoing PUVA treatments for skin or photodynamic therapy for cancer also makes your eyes more sensitive to light. If your eyes aren't properly protected after such treatments, their sensitivity can lead to eye damage from exposure to sunlight or other bright lights, and the development of cataracts.

For more information related to phototherapy  you may contact Dr. Manju Keshari who is a renowned Dermatologist and skin care expert at KEMPS Skin Clinic Ghaziabad.

Saturday 7 August 2021

How to Get Rid of Pimples: Here are 5 Easy Home Remedies

Dealing with acne breakouts can be tough, especially in a busy lifestyle. It is one of the most common skin related problem which is affecting more than 85% of people. It is every girl’s worst nightmare; they not just only make your face look a certain way but also you feel the constant urge to pop them. And they appear out of nowhere, when you have planned your date night, or attending a virtual date night. Acne treatments can be super expensive, and they can also burn a hole in your pocket. Not just that, they can also have side-effects including redness, dryness, and sometimes more pimples.

In this pandemic, people across the world have now moved to self-care or home remedies. Here are some home remedies for get rid of ance.

How can you treat Acne?

Try these home remedies to cure your acne-prone skin.

1. By using Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar can fight many bacteria as well as viruses. It has properties that contain organic acids that can help to cure acne. It can help in drying the excess oil that causes pimples in the first place, Create a solution with apple cider vinegar and mix it in the ratio of 1:3 with water. After mixing it well, apply the mixture to your face with a cotton ball, let it sit for 20 seconds, and rinse it with water. Pat it dry. You can repeat the process once or twice a day. Apple cider vinegar can cause slight irritation to your face, it should be used in a small amount.

2.By using  Honey and Cinnamon: Honey and cinnamon is a great combination to cure acne and decrease scarring of pimples. The combination will help in drying out the pimple and nourish your face with essentials. It is rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties. Take 2 spoons of honey and add 1 spoon of cinnamon powder to it. Mix it well and form a paste. Apply it directly to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your face and pat it dry.

3. Use Papaya: Papaya removes excess lipid and dead skin from the skin surface, clearing the skin and leaving it smooth. The enzyme papain in papaya helps prevent pus formation and reduces inflammation. All you need is fresh papaya. Take papaya, peel it, and mash it up until you get a semi-liquid consistency. Now apply it onto your face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Using warm water, rinse it off. Now apply moisturizer based on your skin type as papaya treatment tends to dry your skin.

4. By using Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil soothes your skin and reduces inflammation and redness. The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil help fight the acne-causing bacteria. It will also help in drying out the whiteheads and blackheads. You can directly apply Tea Tree oil on the affected area using a cotton ball. Just dip it in the oil and dab it on the skin. After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse it off completely. Another method of using Tea Tree oil is by mixing it with aloe-vera gel. Take a tablespoon of aloe-vera gel and add a few drops of Tea Tree oil to it. Apply this on the affected area and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it off using warm water. Please note, you should stay away from Tea Tree oil if you have sensitive skin.

5. By using Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera over the years has gained a reputation to cure many skin-related problems. For acne too, It is also used to cure irritation, rashes, burns, and other skin-related conditions. It can help in healing wounds and has anti-inflammatory properties. Just take a scape the gel from your aloe vera plant with a spoon. You can directly apply the gel to your face as a moisturizer. Repeat it once or twice a day.

If above home remedies did not work well or not suit to your skin you may consult a skin care expert or dermatologist for proper treatment.