Saturday 6 October 2018

Crow feet and its remedies

Smile lines, laugh lines or crow’s feet — it has many names. Crow's Feet and Creepy Lids. As we age, the skin around our eyes gets thinner, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles. Dermatologists distinguish between crow's feet, the “squint lines” around the eyes' outer corners, and the creepy fine lines on the upper and lower eyelids. We consulted Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Manju Keshari, KEMPS Skin Clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad to find out what are the remedies for it.

By a study worldwide found that 84% of women notice wrinkles around their eyes as the first signs of aging.   

Exactly what are crow’s feet, and what causes them?  

Crow’s feet are the fine lines and wrinkles that branch out from the outer corners of your eyes toward your temples.

Facial wrinkles can be broken down into two types:  

  • Static Wrinkles – These are the wrinkles that happen over time due to gravity and the loss of fat, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, all of which are responsible for providing volume and structure to your face. Static wrinkles or what we would simply call “aging,” occur naturally regardless of how or how much you move your face.
  • Dynamic Wrinkles – Dynamic wrinkles are the result of repeated facial movements like squinting, smiling or furrowing your brow. When you contract your facial muscles to, say, express joy over the fact that those shoes you ordered online come with free shipping, your skin stretches to assist. When you’re young, your skin has more elasticity so it bounces right back. As we get older, our skin (much like our bodies after a rough night) don’t bounce back as easily, and dynamic wrinkles stick around.

How to get rid of crow’s feet?

Sunscreens: Good sunscreens can prevent sun damage. Meanwhile, you can use simple home remedies to smoothen the creases.

Use milk: Milk is extremely beneficial for skin. It can promote collagen production and help erase wrinkles and even crow’s feet. You can use it on those lines regularly for effective results.

Egg mask: Eggs can reduce and prevent crow’s feet because of their ability to tighten the skin Use egg white as a face mask until it dries. Wash it away afterward.

Use Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is one of the best naturally available remedies to improve your skin. You can also use Aloe Vera gel on crow’s feet to reduce their severity and recurrence.

Consults your Dermatologist: It is better that you consult your Dermatologist about your skin type and he will provide you the best treatment for crow feet.

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