Thursday, 25 May 2017

Top 10 skin care tips in summer provide by KEMPS Skin Clinic

Summer weather means showing more skin, hotter temperatures and plenty of days spent in the sun. You know that a regular skin care routine includes cleansing, exfoliating and hydrating. However, during the summer you need to add a few additional steps to your skin care regimen. Your skin is the largest organ your body has and you should treat it with care.

There are several tips to help minimize the effects of the sun on your skin as well as prepare your skin for the summer months. They are following- 

1. Staying out of sun during hottest hours

The hottest hours of the day are between 10 am and 3 pm. You should avoid staying out for long in these hours as your skin will get more exposed to radiations.

2. Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen is the best way to which your skin is protected. Choose a sunscreen which has a combination of sunscreen and moisturizer. You need to nourish your skin with vitamins and anti-oxidants for long term benefits.

3. Carry water everywhere

Higher temperature and spending more time outdoor can make your body dehydrated, which can result in headaches and dizzy spells! The only way to keep the body hydrated from within is to drink more and more water.

4. Protecting your skin

Protect your facial skin by wearing a hat, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as the sensitive skin around the eyes is prone for fast aging.

5. Avoid Aerated Drinks

Though advertisements tend to promote aerated drinks by showing a chilled bottle on a really hot day, avoid the temptation. We say this because though it might seem logical, it does more harm than good.

6. Keep skin hydrated

During the summer days, you need to choose your makeup products very carefully. Opt for makeup products that contain some sort of hydrating or moisturizing ingredients. You must buy intensive masques for the summer months and use it once or twice a week to enjoy hydrated skin.

7. Treat sun damaged skin

Even after using sunscreen, sun rays often cause damage to the skin. In case you have sun damaged skin, get it treated immediately with over the counter gels and lotions. Such products can help prevent peeling and reduce redness and inflammation.

8. Stay in the shade

If you’re going to be spending some time outside this summer, make sure you pick a shady area to sit, especially if you have to be out during the hottest parts of the day (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.).

9. Do not apply perfume on your skin when going out.

This one is an absolute no-no. Put perfume on your clothes but putting it on your skin can permanently stain your skin due to the psoralen in the perfume.

10. Drink water

Don’t get hit with dehydration in this summer. Not only it damages the skin by creating unwanted lines – and in severe cases, scaly skin – but also it will leave you feeling exhausted and may result in nasty headaches. 

For more skin related treatment and query you may visit Kemps skin Clinic located in Vaishali.

Healthy skin is the reflection of the overall health condition of an individual. Summer is the time when our skin needs more protection. Skin is the most prominent organ of our body. So, during summer, it is essential to take care of the skin.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Why Choose Dr. Manju for Hair regrowth treatment in Ghaziabad?

Did you just decide to undergo a hair regrowth treatment in Ghaziabad? Well, I can help you through this perfect article written just for you. The most important factor to get the right hair treatment is selecting a hair specialist in your location. If you are living in Ghaziabad, you must visit KEMPS Skin Clinic to get latest, effective and affordable hair treatment in Ghaziabad.

It is the most advance hair transplant clinic in Delhi/NCR providing amazing results to its patients with minimum invasive techniques. It’s sole aim to provide quality treatment to people. They provide fast results and their treatments are 100% safe. They offer advanced and cost-effective hair regrowth treatment in, Ghaziabad and Indirapuram. 

How do you select the best skin clinic for yourself? Take a look.

When you visit any clinic for hair regrowth treatment, you would first schedule an appointment for an initial consultation with the hair expert at the clinic. During the first consultation, the hair treatment surgeon will analyze your hair loss condition and explain to you in depth about the complexities of the condition. Hair loss is of different types. Some people lose hair at a rapid rate and suffer from baldness while some have thinning hair as well as receding hairlines
Location of the Clinic – If you are willing to visit a hair transplant clinic in Vaishali, you should make sure it is good for you. Will you be able to reach when required, and will it be near to your home etc.

Services offered - Before you select a Hair clinic, you must make sure that they it is ready to offer the services that you wish you enjoy. Along with providing solutions for the problem on hand, the skin clinic should also have advanced facilities for treatment of hair loss, unwanted hair, hair regrowth, skin and so on. The list can be endless.

Experience of the Doctor and Staff- Before starting with the treatment, you should go through the details of its success rate, side effects and potential complications with the doctor. To get good, speedy and positive results, you need to look for a skin clinic that caters to its patients in the best possible way and provides professional after-care.

Advanced equipment’s and Tools- The Haircare facility should provide the latest and most sophisticated tools to provide the highest levels of services. The technicians handling these tools should be well experienced and efficient in their job and know how to take care of accidental hair damage.

Affordability- Most skin/Hair clinic in Delhi NCR treatments are affordable and fall within easy reach of patients. It is important to ascertain the full cost of the prescribed treatment, the duration and number of sessions and all other ancillary costs involved. You should also get a fair idea of the price of products that you need to use at home—after the treatment in the clinic is over.

Monday, 15 May 2017

How does the environmental change affect our skin?

Different types of environmental factors can have their own effects on the skin. For example, chemicals such as oil and tar can clog your pores and cause acne or folliculitis. Other materials can cause tissue to break down or fluids to build up in the skin.  

The relationship between the environment and our genes is important. Despite genetic predisposition, it is possible to manage one’s skin condition—if one is aware of the various environmental factors that come:  

Hot weather: When temperatures are high, our bodies sweat to cool down. Perspiration may cause a variety of skin issues such as irritation, rash, and acne.  A gentle cleanser to wash away perspiration is often a great idea. Moreover, heat can cause drying of the skin, leading to skin that is rough or flaky in feel and appearance.

Cold weather: Colder climates are generally characterized by cold temperatures and windy conditions. These elements can often strip moisture from the skin, leaving it dry, flaky, and even chapped or cracking. 

Humidity: The amount of humidity in the air can have a huge effect on your skin. Low humidity can pull moisture from the skin and leave it dehydrated, dry, and flaky. In contrast, high humidity prevents evaporation of sweat, leading to clogged pores, oily skin, and in many cases, acne breakouts.

Pollution: The places we live, particularly urban areas, often contain environmental pollution. Exposures to contaminants such as cigarette smoke, smog, and exhaust from automobiles can enhance the creation of skin-damaging free radicals, which may lead to wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Climate: Cold, dry climates cause eczema to flare while hot, humid climates aggravate acne—that’s a common belief. It’s not always so. While cases vary, Dr. Manju Keshari from KEMPS Skin Clinic agree that a change in climate will usually bring about a change—good or bad—in one’s chronic skin condition.

Biological: Elements like bacteria, pollens, allergens, and pet dander could also be wreaking havoc on your skin. If you tend to break out in a rash after playing with your pet or you break out in hives after eating a strawberry, you are all too familiar with how biological elements like allergens can affect your skin.

The environment seems to be a big issue lately; companies and communities are constantly looking for ways to “go green” and help promote healthier, happy environments across the world so that the Earth can continue to thrive and nourish people and animals alike. Both natural and man-made environmental factors have been linked to several different skin conditions.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Find skin specialists in Ghaziabad for smooth and glowing skin

How to get a glowing skin? These are the questions that most of us ask the skin specialists and dermatologist and which need a satisfying answer. Clear glowing skin is a dream for every person. No one likes pimples, zits, dark spots, baggy eyes or dark circles. There are different skin types and different problems associated with them. So, if you are looking for the best ways to how to get smooth and glowing skin, this article is surely going to be your best help. 

Every person has different skin type and different skin problems like acne, pimples, wrinkles, sun marks, white heads, black heads, cracks and red spots. Skin problem may vary according to the age also.  

KEMPS Skin clinic prides itself as a provider of leading laser technologies utilizing the most latest and the best equipment in a dermatological treatment. The clinic is conveniently located at Sector -4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad. KEMPS Skin Clinic is a well-known skin and hair solutions clinic in Ghaziabad.

Dr. Manju Keshari is an eminent dermatologist in Ghaziabad who specializes in aesthetic procedures, acne care and skin enhancement treatment and hair regrowth treatment. She is a highly skilled dermatologist who has helped many patients achieve excellent results in their desire for better looks.

Tips to keep your skin glowing and healthy:

1. Cleanse: Clean skin is beautiful skin. It's important to keep your skin cleansed of sweat, dirt, and oil to prevent clogged pores and a dull appearance. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser every morning and night, followed by a quick sweep with toner on a cotton pad.

2. Refresh: If you don't have time to wash your face, or just want to get rid of that "tired" look, use an astringent to refresh and clean your skin.

3. Exercise can help the skin to glow: Exercising regularly has ample benefits not only for your body but also for your skin. Exercising helps in relieving stress and promotes better digestive health, both of which are important for healthy and glowing skin.

4. Protect: One of the most critical thing you can do to keep your skin healthy, younger looking, and evenly toned is to wear sunscreen every day.

5. Avoid the Sun: The sun is a great source for vitamin D. The morning sun from 7am to 9am is good for the skin. However avoiding the sun after this time is very essential.

6. Leave Stress Behind: How to have beautiful skin? If this is your question, the answer is rest! Sleep is the number one secret to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and get flawless and glowing skin naturally

7. Drink Water: As we know there are many health benefits of drinking water and juices, one of the best is to help your skin to purify the impurities, and glowing skin tips are incomplete without the inclusion of this essential point.

8. Shampoo Your Makeup Brushes: Every time you swipe on your blush with a dirty brush, you add a layer of acne-causing bacteria to your skin. Cleaning your brushes is easy: Just suds them with shampoo, rinse them and hang them to air-dry with the bristles facing down.

9. Get a healthy diet for glowing skin: What you eat is what you look. If you do not eat right, it is sure to show on your skin. If you are aiming to get beautiful glowing skin, your work should start from correcting your daily diet. Vegetables, fresh fruits supply the required minerals and vitamins to the body which is important not only for a healthy body but also for a healthy glowing skin.

We try our best to deliver what we promise by continually increasing our knowledge and experience about latest advancement in the field of dermatology and cosmetology. Our staff is here to make you feel comfortable while we try and take care of all your needs and treatment.

Friday, 28 April 2017

How to maintain skin glowing naturally in summer session?

Do you in search for naturally glowing and brilliant skin? Nothing makes you feel sure as having lovely appearance. Solid and shining skin makes you look younger and feel full of vigor, no matter what your age or physical condition is. 

UV Sun beams are more exceptional in summer season so on the off chance that you go out in season without appropriate skin Protection then flammable sun beams will adversely affect your skin and may transform it into unpleasant, dull and dim skin. 

Summer sun tanning or darkening of skin is very normal when contrasted with different seasons. Henceforth you truly need to take after a proper skin care routine to shield your skin from summer skin tanning.

Common causes of skin problems
  • Premature wrinkling can start primarily due to stress or unhealthy lifestyle practices. Some major culprits are smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, and unhealthy food choices.
  • Acne is another common skin problem among women of all age groups. This could sometimes occur due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Improper digestion also shows up in the form of pimples.
  • Whatever the cause, these yoga exercises can help you achieve a smooth glowing skin.
You may have frequently thought about whether it is hard to sport a glowing radiant skin. Despite what might be expected! It is quite easy to do, not a fantastical dream by any stretch of the imagination. Furthermore, the good news is that you don't require harsh chemicals or costly excellence medications to accomplish this.

In any case, before we discuss the arrangement, let’s first understand where skin problems such as wrinkles and dark spots stem from that keep you away from getting a glowing face.

Natural beauty tips to get your skin to glow provide by KEMPS Skin Clinic

A.      Drink lots of water.
B.      Get about 7-8 hour sleep a day. Your body repairs your skin naturally while you sleep.
C.      Avoid smoking
D.      Make it a habit to apply a mild cleanser to remove your makeup, excess oils and all accumulated dirt, and then moisturize before you sleep at night.
E.       Use rosewater as a natural toner. It is so mild that it leaves your skin supple and smooth.
F.       Make sure to use cleanser, toner, moisturizer and other beauty products of your skin type and from the same brand. Mixed brands sometimes do not interact well with one another.
G.     Consider applying baby lotion on your arms, legs and stomach every day after you shower.
H.      Avoid taking long, hot showers, as they strip your skin of essential oils and moisture. Use lukewarm water instead.

Ladies of any age and times have wanted a lovely and shining skin. This desire takes us to the entryways of each parlor and we attempt each item in the market promising the coveted impact. Tragically, they are generally not fruitful, costly and some of them even have side effects.

Women from a long time have been using bleaches and chemicals to make their skin beautiful, but this reduces their skin health in a long term.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Ear lobe and its procedure of repair:

In the event that you have a torn earlobe due to an injury, or on the off chance intentionally stretching your earlobes seemed like a good idea but now regret having the gaping holes, you’re not alone Earlobe repair at our Delhi and Ghaziabad areas is a typical technique for patients with extended or split ear lobes that can often be finished in under hour. 

KEMPS Skin Clinic introduces the best earlobe repair techniques in Ghaziabad. The doctor applies what is best and affordable for you. So, when it comes to repair or correct earlobe, please visit our clinic. Earlobe repair is performed in the clinic by Dr. Manju Keshari. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes few minutes. The tear or stretched piercing hole is surgically removed and then the lobe is repaired with stitches.

Candidates for Earlobe Repair:

People usually seek to repair earlobes for cosmetic reasons. Pierced ears can be split accidentally if an earring gets pulled through the hole, or heavy earrings can gradually cause the hole to widen.

Rupture of earlobe and its repair:

Rupture of the ear lobe can happen by accident. When earrings cling to garments or a comb, the result could be torn earlobe. Earlobes can also be gradually expanded over time from wearing heavy, mobile jewellery. Earlobe repair can heal large gap in the ear lobes of both men and women.

Wearing heavy earrings is a common cause of earlobe injury:
  • In the event that the heaviness of the jewelry is excessively, the tissues in the ear can't deal with the anxiety and a tear shows up.
  • If you wear very heavy earrings, your ear piercing hole may become extended (elongated) over time

Procedure Description for earlobe:
  • Earlobe repair is a relative simple procedure.
  • The fresh edges are sutured back together.
  • Both the ears can be done on the same day.
  • To allow the lobe of the ear to heal back together, the surgeon cuts away the healed skin on the inside of the torn earlobe.
  • It is a one-day procedure taking 40 mins to 50 mins or even less for one ear.
  • The procedure is started by a local anesthesia to make the area numb or free of pain.
  • Mild swelling and redness is present that is taken care by painkillers and subsides within 2-3days.

Any side effects associated with the procedure?

The procedure is safe, There is minimally invasive and rarely associated with any side effects like pain, swelling.

What happens in Ear Lobule Repair?

The extended or torn portion of puncture is freshened and suture back to its unique shape in exceptionally exact and meticulous suturing with the goal that it gets a decent quality and scar likewise is not seen. The procedure is done in thirty minutes or so under local anesthesia and patient backpedals home promptly.

How Long Will My Results Last?

There is almost no discomfort after an earlobe repair. After an earlobe repair, the stitches are usually removed or dissolve on their own in about a week. Earlobe repair surgery results are permanent.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Looking for Hair Re-growth Clinic in Delhi NCR?

Many individuals confront different issues in regards to their hair development. Some are curious to take their hair. Have you respected inside reflect as of now and watched that your hair respected additional dispersed than standard?

Hair is a critical part of a person’s personality, which is the reason when somebody begins to see more hair on their brush than on their head, they begin to stress. Nonetheless, hair fall is considerably more typical than a great many people would think and keeping in mind that a couple of hairs a day is viewed as ordinary male pattern baldness, there is really a scarcely discernible difference where it goes over the edge and a hair fall treatment or hairlessness treatment or Hair Regrowth ends up plainly fundamental. Today, balding has turned out to be regular with men and also ladies, but so have methods of hair loss prevention & Hair Regrowth.

What about Regrowth of hair?

Percentage of patients report stoppage of hairloss but no regrowth. This is generally due to the hair being in the refractory stage. If the hair-follicle openings are still open, hair can be regrown by a procedure called mesotherapy.

We are providing hair regrowth treatment clinic in Ghaziabad. KEMPS Skin clinic is one of the best hair & skin clinic in Ghaziabad. At hairline we provide all kind of treatments & therapy for hair & skin care. We provide hair loss therapy, hair greying therapy, hair transplant, hair regrowth treatment, hair extensions, skin treatment & platelet rich fibrin matrix.

What treatments are available for hair loss?

Depending on your type of hair loss, various treatments are available. If it's caused by a medicine, your doctor may change your medication. Recognizing and treating a deficiency and correcting it may help stop hair loss. Or correcting a hormone imbalance may be an effective solution.

Are there any Do's and Dont's to prevent Hair Loss ?
  • Do not tie your hair too tight.
  • Minimise the use of clips on hair.
  • Minimum use of Hair dryer.
  • Avoid hot irons.
  • Avoid Chemical treatments of hair - colouring /dyeing /straightening /rebounding /perming.
  • Use lauryl sulphate free hair shampoo.
  • Do not go for aggressive head massages.
  • Avoid hair spas.

Best Hair regrowth treatment in Ghaziabad.

Dr.Manju Keshari is a renowned Cosmetic Dermatologist and she treats all kinds of skin treatment & hair issues. All you need to do is to step into Kemps Skin clinics and get the consultation done; rest is taken care by Kemps Skin clinics. Kemps Skin clinics, Hair Regrowth Treatments are the India's fastest Hair Restoration treatments.

There are many hair transplant clinics in Delhi cropping up all over the city. But it is crucial to reach out to the right place for good results in hair regrowth treatments. It becomes a very challenging and troublesome procedure if the treatment goes wrong. To avoid going through such a problem, it is always better to search for the best hair regrowth treatment in the city before consulting. KEMPS Skin Clinic is known to be one of the best Hair regrowth treatment clinics in Delhi NCR since it has started.