Tuesday, 20 November 2018

What is skin Allergies and how to take care of it?

skin Allergies may be especially common on the face because the skin is more sensitive than elsewhere, and because of various face creams and other products people use on their faces. Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, you’ve probably still experienced a skin reaction. Maybe you were so excited to try a new product that you forgot to do a patch test and ended up breaking out in an itchy, red rash. Sensitive skin sufferers experience irritated skin regularly.
Mostly 2 types of Reaction you may feel on skin: 

1. Irritation:-  Irritant is the most common skin reaction to a beauty product. It can cause burning, stinging, itching, and redness in the area where you apply the product. If your skin is dry or injured, it loses some of its natural protection against irritants. This means reactions can be harsher or happen more easily.  

2. Skin allergies (allergic contact dermatitis). Sensitivity or a true allergy to a specific ingredient in the product causes redness, swelling, itching, or blisters on the skin. Fragrances and preservatives are some of the biggest culprits.

First things to do after skin allergies:

Use aloe vera: As soon as you notice a reaction, reach for an anti-inflammatory cream that contains 0.5% hydrocortisone. Mix it with equal parts aloe vera gel and apply twice daily to the affected area. Hydrocortisone soothes inflammation while aloe vera cools and hydrates, providing immediate relief for hot, itchy skin.

Use ice cubes: Use the ice! Gently rub the rashy area with an ice cube to reduce inflammation and slightly numb the skin. The cold will help reduce redness, swelling, and discomfort.

Contact Skin experts (Dermatologist):  After doing above to steps call your Skin experts (Dermatologist) and make an appointment for the skin test and consultation. It will help you to know your skin and proper treatment of skin reaction.

Basic steps to avoid skin allergies :

1. Check the label:  Look for products with their expiry first, Do not buy product near to expiry date
2. Do a patch test first:  Before you start to use a new product, place a small amount on the inside of your elbow and wait 48 to 72 hours. If you notice no redness, swelling, itching, or burning on that spot, it’s OK for you to use.
3. Spritz on clothes:  Use the fragrance on your clothes, not your skin. You’ll be less likely to have a skin reaction to it. It also helps prevent the fragrance from having a bad reaction with other products you use.
5. Stop using if feel:  If your skin reacts badly to a beauty product, stop using it immediately. You can sometimes use an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to help ease inflammation. In some cases, you might need a prescription-strength cream.
Always care full about brands you use and check expiry of beauty products. Nowadays fake beauty products are also in the market which looks the same as original but cheaper than original products so please don’t buy cheap beauty product and try to buy herbal beauty products for use.

KEMPS skin clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad is doing a routine skin test and Consultation camps in a different location in Delhi /NCR. You may contact them for the skin test and basic consultation this clinic is famous for its laser treatments

Friday, 26 October 2018

What is Skin pigmentation and how it can be treated

Abnormal discoloring of the skin is called Pigmentation. Your skin color is totally based upon the skin cells and melanin is the substance that is produced by these skin cells. Damaged and unhealthy cells affect the production of melanin and cause pigmentation & patchy skin.

Skin pigmentation issues can be medically treated through a number of different procedures that may either fade or erase dark or light areas. People of any skin type or tone can suffer from a number of skin pigmentation issues that cause discoloration, dark spots on face, irregular pigmentation, and extreme freckling. While some of these issues are genetic, others can be caused by environmental factors or when the body produces too much melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin its color.

How is skin pigmentation disorders treated?  

Some cases of skin discoloration are curable, while others can be alleviated with consistent treatment. The most common treatments that our dermatologists will recommend are topical creams, pills, and in some cases, laser therapy but it may take some time for the results to show.

The different types of pigmentation problems
  • Lentigo, is also called age spots if it is mainly due to the intrinsic aging of the skin, or solar lentigo if it is caused by regular and considerable sun exposure.
  • Melasma, generally due to hormone imbalances. This can occur when taking certain medicines or can be caused by sun exposure during pregnancy when no protection is worn. This is called pregnancy mask.
  • Ephelides also called Liver spots, 
  • Post-inflammatory pigmentation, following an acne spot for example. The mark is then due to an excess of melanin produced by the inflammation.

What are the causes of skin pigmentation?

There are many factors contributing to pigmentation. Here’s the list of few prominent factors:
  • Due to excessive exposure to the sun
  • Allergic reaction
  • Hormonal changes
  • Facial hair removal in an appropriate way
  • Excessive exposure to the sun.
  • Skin damage from the injury.
  • Improper hair removal.
  • Genetic predisposition.

How to Treat Pigmentation Disorders?

The most common treatments that our dermatologists will recommend are topical creams, pills, and in some cases, laser therapy, Just as how micro-needling can promote that youthful glow to your skin, pigmentation treatments help maintain beautiful skin by removing your dark spots.

Dr. Manju Keshari at KEMPS Skin Clinic at Vaishali, Ghaziabad is a Skin Specialist Doctor will help evaluate the extent of pigmentation disorder through skin treatment in Ghaziabad by visual examination first, and based on the result, Pigmentation treatment is advised. This treatment is quite common now and safe and inexpensive too. 

Saturday, 20 October 2018

What is MICRODERMABRASION? How it’s beneficial for skin?

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that uses tiny crystals or other exfoliating surfaces to help remove the superficial layer of dead skin cells. Microdermabrasion is one of those cosmetic procedures that most people have heard of, but don't really know much about. Even if your skin-obsessed friend swears by it, or you've seen it listed on spa menus, the procedure is still one of those best discussed with a dermatologist.

Does microdermabrasion work? 

It is a good question its depending on how many treatments you have, you’ll notice a change in the clarity, elasticity, and texture of your skin. Most dermatologists recommend around every four weeks. And the best results are usually seen by people in the early stages of ageing, between 35 and 50.

What It Can Do for Your Skin

Its show effect after first sitting, because it deeply exfoliates, microdermabrasion will improve the tone and texture of your skin. you'll notice your skin feels smoother and your complexion looks great and healthier.

If you have a multiple session of treatment (which is what is recommended) you should notice your skin tone evening out. You may even see a softening of fine lines and superficial wrinkles. Microdermabrasion can also help fight sun damage.

Types and benefits of Microdermabrasion:

There are two types of microdermabrasion,
  • Crystal microdermabrasion blasts tiny medical-grade crystals across the skin’s surface.
  • Non-crystal microdermabrasion uses a rough or diamond-tipped disc to slough the skin.

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion
  • Softening of lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces age spots and other forms of hyperpigmentation;
  • Increases the skin’s receptiveness to other skincare products;
  • Improves the appearance skin
  • It reduces fine lines and wrinkles thus slowing the aging process
  • It helps in refining the skin texture and giving it a seamless and smooth touch
  • It helps in stimulating circulation and skin renewal, thus making the skin look much healthier
  • It helps in improving conditions such as clogged pores, acne, and scarring and sun damage

There are still many benefits attached to Microdermabrasion and doing it on a regular basis can help in keeping our skin more hydrated and clear-looking. Apart from that, it can help in achieving short-term skin goals but for long-term better results, it is always advisable to visit or consult our dermatologist Dr. Manju Keshari at KEMPS Skin clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Do’s and don’ts before, during and after laser hair removal

Before laser hair removal

  • We usually recommended to avoid general sun exposure for at least seven-10 days before and after your appointment, A sunscreen of SPF 30, or preferably a total sun block of SPF 50, should be applied whenever exposure to the sun is unavoidable.
  • Avoid plucking, waxing or bleaching the hair for six weeks prior to treatment. Preserving the root and the pigment of the hair is imperative for the success of the laser treatment.
  • Avoid antibiotics because Antibiotics may increase photosensitivity. The skin becomes more prone to elements of heat damage including blisters, rashes, fever, fatigue, joint pain, etc. We recommend that you check with your personal physician prior to receiving laser treatments if you are currently taking a long-term antibiotic. 
  • Do shave the area to be treated the day or night before your appointment. Doing this will prevent thermal injury to the surface of the skin as there won’t be hair on the surface to absorb the laser’s energy. It will allow the laser to go directly to the hair follicle
  • Avoid makeup because Laser is attracted to pigment and melanin, and anything that is of dark color will be attracted to the laser and could make it less active. You can apply mineral makeup directly after treatment to cover any noticeable redness, but we would also advise you to remove this thoroughly in the evening to make sure the skin can recover. 

During laser hair removal

During the procedure in the laser, room needs protective eyewear to prevent the risk of damage to the retina. A jet of chilled air is used with the laser to minimize epidermal damage and increase patient comfort. The use of a local anesthetic is optional.  

After laser hair removal

Immediately following treatment the area may show erythema (redness and some swelling) around the follicles which looks similar to large goose bumps.
  • Apply a thin layer of aloe vera ointment to the treated area several times a day to keep it moist. Pat the area dry. Do not shave the area if is swollen or crusting. Around 2 or 3 weeks after a laser hair removal treatment 10 to 20% of the treated hairs will fall out. During the healing phase, the area must be treated delicately. Do not rub or scratch.  If a crust develops let it fall off on its own. 
  • If any swelling occurs apply ice and Wrap the ice in a clean soft cloth. Discomfort or stinging may be relieved with Paracetamol. Do not take Ibuprofen or Aspirin as these medicines may react to the laser light. 
  • Avoid very hot baths, showers, steam baths or saunas, and don’t swim in strong chlorinated water for two or three days. 
  • Don’t use perfume or bleaching creams for 24 to 48 hours. Avoid face pack or peels for one week. 

For more information about the best laser hair removal in Ghaziabad, contact KEMPS skin Clinic at Vaishali. Kemps skin clinic has all the latest equipment for laser hair removal.

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Crow feet and its remedies

Smile lines, laugh lines or crow’s feet — it has many names. Crow's Feet and Creepy Lids. As we age, the skin around our eyes gets thinner, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles. Dermatologists distinguish between crow's feet, the “squint lines” around the eyes' outer corners, and the creepy fine lines on the upper and lower eyelids. We consulted Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Manju Keshari, KEMPS Skin Clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad to find out what are the remedies for it.

By a study worldwide found that 84% of women notice wrinkles around their eyes as the first signs of aging.   

Exactly what are crow’s feet, and what causes them?  

Crow’s feet are the fine lines and wrinkles that branch out from the outer corners of your eyes toward your temples.

Facial wrinkles can be broken down into two types:  

  • Static Wrinkles – These are the wrinkles that happen over time due to gravity and the loss of fat, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, all of which are responsible for providing volume and structure to your face. Static wrinkles or what we would simply call “aging,” occur naturally regardless of how or how much you move your face.
  • Dynamic Wrinkles – Dynamic wrinkles are the result of repeated facial movements like squinting, smiling or furrowing your brow. When you contract your facial muscles to, say, express joy over the fact that those shoes you ordered online come with free shipping, your skin stretches to assist. When you’re young, your skin has more elasticity so it bounces right back. As we get older, our skin (much like our bodies after a rough night) don’t bounce back as easily, and dynamic wrinkles stick around.

How to get rid of crow’s feet?

Sunscreens: Good sunscreens can prevent sun damage. Meanwhile, you can use simple home remedies to smoothen the creases.

Use milk: Milk is extremely beneficial for skin. It can promote collagen production and help erase wrinkles and even crow’s feet. You can use it on those lines regularly for effective results.

Egg mask: Eggs can reduce and prevent crow’s feet because of their ability to tighten the skin Use egg white as a face mask until it dries. Wash it away afterward.

Use Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is one of the best naturally available remedies to improve your skin. You can also use Aloe Vera gel on crow’s feet to reduce their severity and recurrence.

Consults your Dermatologist: It is better that you consult your Dermatologist about your skin type and he will provide you the best treatment for crow feet.

Friday, 28 September 2018


Laser hair removal has gained popularity over the past few years and it’s an effective and permanent solution for unwanted hairs on the body. As a result of its popularity many people are now seeking out the service, but if you have never had laser hair removal before you have any queries in your mind. Simplicity Laser before it’s important that you understand some of the do’s and don’ts to follow both before, during, and after your treatment.


The most important thing as you get ready for your laser hair removal treatment is that your skin is healthy and undamaged and you have roots so the laser has something to target and then will stop the hair follicle from growing hair again.  

  • Wear sunblock with SPF 30 or higher if you are planning to be in the sun within a week of your treatment.  
  • Shave the area that you plan to have laser hair removal treatment on the night before you’re headed for treatment. This help to make sure that the laser has a target, the root, in the hair follicle.
  • Limit time outdoors (to minimize sun exposure)
  • Protect your skin from sun exposure and use SPF 30 or higher on the areas you are going to be treated for at least two weeks prior to your treatment.
  • Use soothing products such as Aloe Vera.

  • Avoid to go to the tanning beds or get sunburned. 
  • Avoid the use of heavily perfumed lotions or creams prior to the treatment.
  • Wax, bleach, or pluck the hairs in the area where you are getting laser treatment. The way laser treatments at Simplicity Laser work is by targeting the root of the hair follicle, destroying the hair follicle so it won’t grow in the future. 
  • Do not shave, wax or use any other form of epilation in between treatments.
  • Do not use any fake tan for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Do not wear tight clothing or clothing with zips that may rub the skin
  • Do not have a hot shower, go into the hot water or do excessive exercise for 6-8 hours post-treatment.
  • Do not pluck hairs that are not shedding. You will feel resistance when doing so. Cut such hairs only.

It’s important to understand that laser hair removal is different for everyone. But everyone should be prepared to get several treatments over a period of time. Hair grows in different cycles and at different rates so one treatment won’t rid you of all your unwanted hair. For more information visit KEMPS SKIN Clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, it is the best clinic in DELHI/NCR for laser hair removal and to get started your laser hair removal treatment, please make a prior appointment.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Vitiligo, Its symptoms and treatment.

Vitiligo is a disorder in which white patches of skin appear on different parts of the body. This happens because the cells that make pigment (color) in the skin are destroyed. These cells are called melanocytes. Vitiligo can also affect the mucous membranes and on the eye.

Vitiligo: A Common Cause of Loss of Skin Pigment

Melanin is the pigment that gives the skin its characteristic color. Vitiligo is caused by a loss of pigment in the skin, due to the destruction of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes. Although vitiligo affects all races equally, it is more noticeable in dark-skinned people. Vitiligo can cause cosmetic problems.   

Who is affected by vitiligo?

Many people develop it in their twenties, but it can occur at any age. The disorder affects all races and both sexes equally, however, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin.

People with certain autoimmune diseases (such as hyperthyroidism) are more likely to get vitiligo than people who don't have any autoimmune diseases. Scientists do not know why vitiligo is connected with these diseases. However, most people with vitiligo have no other autoimmune disease.

Vitiligo may also run in families. Children whose parents have the disorder are more likely to develop vitiligo. However, most children will not get vitiligo even if a parent has it.

What are the symptoms of vitiligos?

White patches on the skin are the main sign of vitiligo. These patches are more common in areas where the skin is exposed to the sun. The patches may be on the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips. Other common areas for white patches are:
  • The armpits and groin (where the leg meets the body)
  • Around the mouth
  • Eyes
  • Nostrils
  • Navel
  • Genitals

What causes vitiligo?

The cause is not known. Vitiligo may be an autoimmune disease. These diseases happen when your immune system mistakenly attacks some part of your own body. In vitiligo, the immune system may destroy the melanocytes in the skin. It is also possible that one or more genes may make a person more likely to get the disorder.
Some researchers think that the melanocytes destroy themselves. Others think that a single event such as sunburn or emotional distress can cause vitiligo. But these events have not been proven to cause vitiligo.

How is vitiligo treated?

Treatment may help make the skin look more even. The choice of treatment depends on:
  • The number of white patches
  • How widespread the patches are
  • The treatment the person prefers to use.

Some treatments are not right for everyone. Many treatments can have unwanted side effects. Treatments can take a long time, and sometimes they don't work.

Current treatment options for vitiligo include medical, surgical, and other treatments. Most treatments are aimed at restoring color to the white patches of skin.

Medical treatments include:
  • Medicines that you take by mouth
  • Medicines (such as creams) that you put on the skin
  • A treatment that uses medicine plus ultraviolet A (UVA) light.
  • Removing the color from other areas so they match the white patches.

Surgical treatments include:
  • Tattooing small areas of skin.
  • Skin grafts from a person's own tissues. The doctor takes the skin from one area of a patient's body and attaches it to another area. This is sometimes used for people with small patches of vitiligo.

For vitiligo treatment, you may consult to Dr. Manju Keshri Senior Dermatologist at KEMPS Skin Clinic, Vaishali Ghaziabad. She has experience of treating Vitiligo and provide you best consultancy & treatment regarding this.