Thursday 22 June 2017

What is Derma roller therapy and how it works on human body?

Derma roller therapy has been a new technique introduced for the treatment of acne scars and wrinkles. KEMPS Skin Clinic provides advanced collagen induction therapy (CIT) that helps to significantly stimulate the skin to repair and regenerate naturally, creating healthier and younger-looking skin.

At KEMPS Skin Clinic, the expert dermatologist, Dr. Manju Keshari carries out extremely proficient Derma roller treatment in Ghaziabad. The procedure involves using a Derma roller to produce numerous micro-medical penetrations in the skin. 

In this treatment, hundreds of micro-needles that are present on the surface of the roller are used to stimulate the surface of the skin. The roller is moved up and down on all parts of the skin on the face or the affected area. The needles result in the formation of many tiny injuries on the skin.

Derma Roller Treats:
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Anti – ageing/skin tightening
  • Acne scars/ pitted scars
  • Open pores/skin texture improvement
  • Stretch marks

Derma roller side effect:

Derma rollers have got rave reviews abroad and are slowly making their entry in India. They are sold under many brand names. It is recommended that you read the reviews of every brand before purchasing your derma roller.

When anyone uses Derma roller, the only side effects you would expect to experience are temporary skin redness lasting a few hours, some dryness and/or mild inflammation and for a short duration, sun sensitivity will feel. We will look at each of these common side effects in more detail:
  • Dry, rough skin
  • Inflammation
  • Skin redness
  • Sun sensitivity

How long does the treatment take?

The topical anesthetic takes 30 minutes to work and the procedure then takes 20-30 minutes.

What can be treated with a Derma roller?
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scarring
  • Aged and sun damaged skin
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Lines and Texture to the Decollete
  • Stretch marks

Advantages of Derma Roller Therapy:
  • Performed on all skin types (white to dark skin)
  • Minimal downtime (2 to 5 days)
  • There is no damage to the skin
  • It can be used on thin skin
  • Outstanding results.

Why KEMPS Skin Clinic for Skin Needling?

The doctors at KEMPS Skin Clinic, Ghaziabad, carefully assess the condition of your skin and its suitability for the procedure. We take ample time to prepare your skin for the procedure so as to make it comfortable. We only use the highest quality skin rollers to ensure best results.

Friday 16 June 2017

What are the Benefits of a Skin Facial for Teenagers in summer season?

Facials involve a cleansing procedure, a massage and steam, and the application of a facemask. What they help to do is remove the dead, dull outer layer of cells that make up the skin's surface or epidermis along with pollutants. The massage, which is an important part of a facial, helps blood circulation, which in turn aids lymphatic drainage (the removal of toxins and waste from the body). 

There are many benefits of facials for a teenager, but for teens, in particular, facials will help clean out blackheads and clogged pores caused by oil production. Skin care products used at home can only help reduce clogged pores. It takes a professional esthetician to properly prepare and soften the skin before manual extractions can take place in a safe and effective way. 

Benefits for Skin Facial:
  • Reduces the presence of acne
  • Prevents long term scarring
  • Promotes skin fairness and a glow 
  • Natural mitigating and antibacterial properties alleviate and heal inflamed skin
  • Leaves a smoother skin surface 
  • Saves cash on costly creams

Teen Facial Guideline:

Particularly made to address the changing skin conditions and healthy skin needs of the young generation. KEMPS Skin Clinic gives healthy skin exhortation in a well-ordered altered regimen including how the skin functions and why each progression is fundamental in their day by day schedule.

How often should teens have facials?

It depends on the skin issues and type of each teen. Depending on the severity of problem skin, we recommend a minimum of every 2-4 months for maintaining healthy, clear skin.

How it works?

Skin facial treatment features a cleansing enzyme peel, which is made by fruit extracts to help dead cells slough off, and provide proper care to the skin. Enzyme peels provide deep exfoliation, as well as clears impurities from the skin. It is a wonderful treatment for individuals with acne or other skin problems relating to clogged pores.

About our Doctor:

Dr. Manju Keshari is one of the top dermatologists in Delhi NCR and makes use of “Gold Standard” technology for each and every procedure we provide, for every type of skin and hair.

Monday 12 June 2017

What is the affect of weather on your skin?

Whether it's hot, cold, dry or humid, an area's climate can seriously affect the skin of an individual, it’s the root cause of face breakouts, itchy dry patches. Extremes in weather — each warm and bloodless — can exacerbate some existing skin situations or even motive new ones.

A weather-sensitive person reacts with varying intensity to changes in weather elements, such as air pressure, temperature, and humidity. These changes can affect a person's well-being and may worsen the symptoms of existing disorders, in particular, pain.  

Some of the Major effects are:
  • Increased irritability and aggressiveness, 
  • Anxiety, depression,
  • Listlessness, fatigue,
  • Lack of concentration, 
  • Sleep disorders, 
  • Headache and migraine, 
  • Heart and circulation irregularities, 
  • Nausea, 
  • Dizziness, 
  • Scar pain or phantom pain, and rheumatic pain. 

Here are just some of the ways your body can go haywire when the temperature changes.

The climate truly affects our states of mind and wellbeing as drastically as it can influence our streets. Everybody has seen it to some degree for the duration of their lives. Individuals living in hot atmospheres with the sun approaching overhead notice vitality level totally not quite the same as those living further north.

Indeed, even individuals simply going by atmospheres totally unique in relation to their own are frequently shocked the immense contrasts in the general state of mind of local people contrasted with that of individuals back home.

KEMPS Skin Clinic has been the pioneer for using the latest technology and state of the art equipment for all your requirements for skin care and hair treatments for more than 7 years. Our teams of experienced and qualified doctors are able to provide the best in class services to our patients. Our clinic is equipped with advanced machines and latest technical tools to provide you world-class services in Ghaziabad.

Monday 29 May 2017

What is Hair Loss and How to prevent it?

Hair-loss is a condition when something stops the hair from growing that affects men, women, and children of any age. The onset of the hair loss is often sudden, random and frequently recurrent. There are many known clinical types of hair loss depending on the specific pattern of hair lost, of which hereditary hair loss is the most common type of progressive hair loss.

What is the difference?  
In most, 50-100 strands of head hair are shed in a day normally, anything beyond is considered excessive hair shedding or 'telogen effluvium.

Understanding Hair and Hair Life Cycle:

Hair is far more complex than it an on the surface. Hair not on plays a vital role in the appearance of both men and women, but it also helps to transmit sensory information as well as area gender identification.

To By week 22, a developing fetus has all of its hair follicles formed. At this stage of life, there are about 5 million hair follicles on the body. There is a total of one million on the head, with one hundred thousand of those follicles residing on the scalp.

Most people will notice that the density of scalp hair is reduced as they grow from childhood to adulthood.

The reason: Our scalps expand as we grow.

Hair Growth Cycle:

Hair on the scalp grows about 0.3 to 0.4 mm/day or about 6 inches per year. At any given time, a random number of hairs will be in one three states growth and shedding: anagen, catagen, and telogen.

Anagen: Anagen is the active phase of the hair.The cells in the root of the hair are dividing rapidly. A new hair is formed and pushes the dub hair (a hair that has stopped growing or is no longer in the anagen phase) up the and eventually out. 

Catagen: The catagen phase is a transitional stage and about 3% of all hairs are in this phase at any time. weeks. This phase lasts for about two to three Growth stops and the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches to root of the hair. This is the formation of what is known as a club hair.

Telogen: Telogen is the resting phase and usually accounts for 6% to 8% of all hairs. This phase lasts for about 100 days for hairs on the scalp and longer for hairs on the eyebrow, eyelash, arm, and leg. During this phase, the hair follicle is completely at rest and the club hair is completely formed.

Will Hair ever grow back?

The vast majority of people with alopecia experience some degree of re-growth because these affected follicles still remain active so the potential for hair re-growth is always existent. There is a possibility of complete re-growth or improving at any time over many years. It is unpredictable, hence challenging. The re-growth can be any texture and color, from fine, white to once's own original hair. What's good is, most causes of hair loss can be stopped or treated.

KEMPS Skin Clinic provides the best hair loss treatment with the laser hair technology within the very affordable price. It is located in Vaishali, Ghaziabad. Our nearest metro station is Vaishali.

How MINTOP Works?

Mintop (Minoxidil) is effective in promoting hair growth in both males and females. MINTOP works by helping - the blood flow to the hair thereby stimulates & prolongs hair growth. MINTOP promotes hair regrowth in 4 ways:
  • Reverses miniaturization of follicles
  • Increases blood flow around follicles
  • Stimulates follicle movement from resting to hair growth (Anagen) phase
  • Extends each follicle's growth phase. 
Stay Motivated, Why initial Hair Shedding is actually a good thing?

During the initial 2-3 weeks of Mintop Usage, users may experience slight hair shedding. When you apply MINTOP twice a day every day, it starts to penetrate the scalp and begins to reinvigorate shrunken hair follicles, making them larger. Within the first two weeks of this will cause the old, thinner hairs to shed in order to make way for the thicker hair to grow, thanks to the larger follicles. This is a sign that Mintop is working.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Top 10 skin care tips in summer provide by KEMPS Skin Clinic

Summer weather means showing more skin, hotter temperatures and plenty of days spent in the sun. You know that a regular skin care routine includes cleansing, exfoliating and hydrating. However, during the summer you need to add a few additional steps to your skin care regimen. Your skin is the largest organ your body has and you should treat it with care.

There are several tips to help minimize the effects of the sun on your skin as well as prepare your skin for the summer months. They are following- 

1. Staying out of sun during hottest hours

The hottest hours of the day are between 10 am and 3 pm. You should avoid staying out for long in these hours as your skin will get more exposed to radiations.

2. Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen is the best way to which your skin is protected. Choose a sunscreen which has a combination of sunscreen and moisturizer. You need to nourish your skin with vitamins and anti-oxidants for long term benefits.

3. Carry water everywhere

Higher temperature and spending more time outdoor can make your body dehydrated, which can result in headaches and dizzy spells! The only way to keep the body hydrated from within is to drink more and more water.

4. Protecting your skin

Protect your facial skin by wearing a hat, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as the sensitive skin around the eyes is prone for fast aging.

5. Avoid Aerated Drinks

Though advertisements tend to promote aerated drinks by showing a chilled bottle on a really hot day, avoid the temptation. We say this because though it might seem logical, it does more harm than good.

6. Keep skin hydrated

During the summer days, you need to choose your makeup products very carefully. Opt for makeup products that contain some sort of hydrating or moisturizing ingredients. You must buy intensive masques for the summer months and use it once or twice a week to enjoy hydrated skin.

7. Treat sun damaged skin

Even after using sunscreen, sun rays often cause damage to the skin. In case you have sun damaged skin, get it treated immediately with over the counter gels and lotions. Such products can help prevent peeling and reduce redness and inflammation.

8. Stay in the shade

If you’re going to be spending some time outside this summer, make sure you pick a shady area to sit, especially if you have to be out during the hottest parts of the day (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.).

9. Do not apply perfume on your skin when going out.

This one is an absolute no-no. Put perfume on your clothes but putting it on your skin can permanently stain your skin due to the psoralen in the perfume.

10. Drink water

Don’t get hit with dehydration in this summer. Not only it damages the skin by creating unwanted lines – and in severe cases, scaly skin – but also it will leave you feeling exhausted and may result in nasty headaches. 

For more skin related treatment and query you may visit Kemps skin Clinic located in Vaishali.

Healthy skin is the reflection of the overall health condition of an individual. Summer is the time when our skin needs more protection. Skin is the most prominent organ of our body. So, during summer, it is essential to take care of the skin.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Why Choose Dr. Manju for Hair regrowth treatment in Ghaziabad?

Did you just decide to undergo a hair regrowth treatment in Ghaziabad? Well, I can help you through this perfect article written just for you. The most important factor to get the right hair treatment is selecting a hair specialist in your location. If you are living in Ghaziabad, you must visit KEMPS Skin Clinic to get latest, effective and affordable hair treatment in Ghaziabad.

It is the most advance hair transplant clinic in Delhi/NCR providing amazing results to its patients with minimum invasive techniques. It’s sole aim to provide quality treatment to people. They provide fast results and their treatments are 100% safe. They offer advanced and cost-effective hair regrowth treatment in, Ghaziabad and Indirapuram. 

How do you select the best skin clinic for yourself? Take a look.

When you visit any clinic for hair regrowth treatment, you would first schedule an appointment for an initial consultation with the hair expert at the clinic. During the first consultation, the hair treatment surgeon will analyze your hair loss condition and explain to you in depth about the complexities of the condition. Hair loss is of different types. Some people lose hair at a rapid rate and suffer from baldness while some have thinning hair as well as receding hairlines
Location of the Clinic – If you are willing to visit a hair transplant clinic in Vaishali, you should make sure it is good for you. Will you be able to reach when required, and will it be near to your home etc.

Services offered - Before you select a Hair clinic, you must make sure that they it is ready to offer the services that you wish you enjoy. Along with providing solutions for the problem on hand, the skin clinic should also have advanced facilities for treatment of hair loss, unwanted hair, hair regrowth, skin and so on. The list can be endless.

Experience of the Doctor and Staff- Before starting with the treatment, you should go through the details of its success rate, side effects and potential complications with the doctor. To get good, speedy and positive results, you need to look for a skin clinic that caters to its patients in the best possible way and provides professional after-care.

Advanced equipment’s and Tools- The Haircare facility should provide the latest and most sophisticated tools to provide the highest levels of services. The technicians handling these tools should be well experienced and efficient in their job and know how to take care of accidental hair damage.

Affordability- Most skin/Hair clinic in Delhi NCR treatments are affordable and fall within easy reach of patients. It is important to ascertain the full cost of the prescribed treatment, the duration and number of sessions and all other ancillary costs involved. You should also get a fair idea of the price of products that you need to use at home—after the treatment in the clinic is over.

Monday 15 May 2017

How does the environmental change affect our skin?

Different types of environmental factors can have their own effects on the skin. For example, chemicals such as oil and tar can clog your pores and cause acne or folliculitis. Other materials can cause tissue to break down or fluids to build up in the skin.  

The relationship between the environment and our genes is important. Despite genetic predisposition, it is possible to manage one’s skin condition—if one is aware of the various environmental factors that come:  

Hot weather: When temperatures are high, our bodies sweat to cool down. Perspiration may cause a variety of skin issues such as irritation, rash, and acne.  A gentle cleanser to wash away perspiration is often a great idea. Moreover, heat can cause drying of the skin, leading to skin that is rough or flaky in feel and appearance.

Cold weather: Colder climates are generally characterized by cold temperatures and windy conditions. These elements can often strip moisture from the skin, leaving it dry, flaky, and even chapped or cracking. 

Humidity: The amount of humidity in the air can have a huge effect on your skin. Low humidity can pull moisture from the skin and leave it dehydrated, dry, and flaky. In contrast, high humidity prevents evaporation of sweat, leading to clogged pores, oily skin, and in many cases, acne breakouts.

Pollution: The places we live, particularly urban areas, often contain environmental pollution. Exposures to contaminants such as cigarette smoke, smog, and exhaust from automobiles can enhance the creation of skin-damaging free radicals, which may lead to wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Climate: Cold, dry climates cause eczema to flare while hot, humid climates aggravate acne—that’s a common belief. It’s not always so. While cases vary, Dr. Manju Keshari from KEMPS Skin Clinic agree that a change in climate will usually bring about a change—good or bad—in one’s chronic skin condition.

Biological: Elements like bacteria, pollens, allergens, and pet dander could also be wreaking havoc on your skin. If you tend to break out in a rash after playing with your pet or you break out in hives after eating a strawberry, you are all too familiar with how biological elements like allergens can affect your skin.

The environment seems to be a big issue lately; companies and communities are constantly looking for ways to “go green” and help promote healthier, happy environments across the world so that the Earth can continue to thrive and nourish people and animals alike. Both natural and man-made environmental factors have been linked to several different skin conditions.