Showing posts with label Skin solution clinic in Ghaziabad Vasundhara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin solution clinic in Ghaziabad Vasundhara. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 November 2017

How to protect skin in winter season?

The cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks for many people. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin. For some people, the problem is worse than just a general tight, dry feeling: They get skin so dry it results in flaking, cracking, even eczema (in which the skin becomes inflamed).

If you have ever wondered what is the best indicator of weather change, you would agree with me its our skin. Winter is also a time of festivities and parties, which means, you would want to look your best during this time. And looking good begins with having a healthy skin. One issue that tops the list of skin problems in winter is dryness. All other skin issues such as roughness, scaliness, and itchiness are a result of dry skin.  

When the colder weather arrives, the air loses moisture and that lack of humidity causes more evaporation of the water in your skin, explained by Dr. Manku Keshari, a dermatologist at KEMPS skin Clinic, Ghaziabad .

Two big factors affect your skin during the winter: colder temperatures and a lack of moisture in the air. Both can damage unprotected skin.

Winter skin care tips
  • Try to take the necessary diet in the winter, add fruit and fruit juice to your diet.
  • Apply the petroleum jelly on the face, lips, hands, legs.
  • Do not take the hot water baths. The hot water takes out the moisture in the skin then skin becomes dry. So try to avoid the hot and long baths in winter.
  • The chapped lips are one of the major problems in this winter. Apply the petroleum to the chapped lips. Use the lip scrubs for the lip care in the winter.
  • Dry skin is the main problem in the winter. Use the natural moisturizer in the winter.
  • Try to cover the most of the body with the clothes. Do not expose the skin to the cold air.
  • Use the natural moisturizers like butter, oils, glycerin, etc., in the winter. Not to choose the chemical moisturizers.
  • Stay hydrated in the winter. Try to take the juices and drinks.
  • Fabrics like wool can aggravate irritation. Opt for lighter winter-wear versus your usual woolens but if you must, layer cotton apparel under your woolens.
  • Any inflammation, redness, itchiness or flakiness should not be overlooked. Do visit a dermatologist immediately.

Tuesday 31 October 2017

How to get rid of stretch marks

When we think about stretch mark the first things comes in mind is that marks remove permanently or not. What kind of treatment should I take?", "Is surgery the only answer for stretch mark removal?". There are still a lot of questions that might come bugling in your mind; for this reason, both men and women should develop the thinking that there are ways on how to permanently remove stretch marks.

when fat is stored in the body Stretch marks are scars that can appear anywhere, such as in the stomach, upper arms, thighs, breasts, and buttocks. Bodybuilding, intense physical activity, childbirth and rapid weight loss are all causes of stretch marks. The marks start at the very root of your skin, which makes them extremely hard to remove. 

There Are 2 Types of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks vary in color and appearance. However, they can be classified into two types:

  • Red stretch marks (striae rubra) form because of the stretching of the dermal layer of the skin, allowing the blood vessels in the layer below to show through. So they called red stretch marks.
  • White stretch marks (striae alba) appear where the blood vessels have receded, showing the fat beneath the dermal layer. This explains their silvery white appearance. So they called white stretch marks.
Stretch marks often occur:
  • Due to rapid weight gain
  • During pregnancy period
  • During puberty
  • Having family history of stretch marks
  • Having underlying health condition or a syndrome, such as Cushing's syndrome or Marfan syndrome
  • Prolonged or inappropriate use of corticosteroid medication 

What causes stretch marks at a teenage?

Stretch marks are a common issue as no one may escape from it, whether they’re young or old. Even though a lack of skin elasticity might be the reason that causes skin tissues to break, stretch marks can be caused by several things, as mentioned earlier.

One of the main reason is puberty which causes stretch marks at a young age. It’s a part of growing up and it will fade after a time as long as you keep your body fit and healthy. It’s very important that you treat stretch marks when the first time it occurs.

Reasons for women getting stretch marks:
  • Genetics.
  • Rapid weight gain and loss. 
  • Body expansion during adolescence 
  • Some medications can cause stretch marks, such as steroids that cause bloating through water retention.
  • Emotional issues such as alcoholism or drug use.
  • Pregnancy.

How can get rid of stretch marks?

There have been numerous treatments which helps like as lasers, peels, “natural” oils, Retin-A, and silicone gels, to name a few. However, since stretch marks are essentially a scar from the inside out, there is no treatment that makes them disappear completely.

For better treatment and result you have to consult dermatologist nearby you which help you to encounter stretch marks.

Monday 30 October 2017

Tips for beautiful skin in winter season

Winter is the most beautiful and coldest season of the year. Winter is the time when the nights are very long and days become short and it is also the time when most of us enjoy a party, gathering, holiday and traveling with family & friends.

Winter brings along a few skin problems also. People experience irritation, hardness, and roughness of skin. The main cause of itchy skin due to dryness and contact allergies due to detergents and chemicals in this season. Cold temperatures result in poor blood circulation and widened capillaries and as a result, the skin suffers.  

Have a great skin in this winter by skin care tips:
  • Use oil-based moisturizer in place of your water-based moisturizer.Use the moisturizer several times in a day for a soft and silky skin.
  • Use the petroleum jelly on the face, lips, hands, legs on a routine basis.
  • Use the sunscreen when you’re stepping out from home.
  • Drink plenty of water in a day to keep the dryness at bay. Water is an excellent lubricant to keep your skin soft and supple.
  • Use the natural moisturizer in the winter to keep away the Dry skin.
  • Try to take the necessary diet in the winter. Try to add the fruit and fruit juice to your diet.
  • Avoid taking the hot water baths. The hot water takes out the moisture in the skin then skin becomes dry. 
  • The chapped lips are one of the problems in this winter. Apply the petroleum jelly to the chapped lips. Use the lip scrubs for the lip care in the winter.
  • Often cover the most of the body with the clothes. Do not expose the skin to the cold air.
Winter season is one such type of season that not only brings pleasant experiences for heart and mind but also brings some uncomfortable dryness to the face, hands, and also feet. In this cold season, everyone’s skin becomes dry due to the dry air. An individual should be very careful and attentive to take care of the skin, whereas it reacts with the atmospheric moisture and wetness. Winter is the season when your skin becomes too much dry. Getting wrinkles over your skin is also quite common during this season. It is important to apply moisturizer on your skin repeatedly. During the daytime, you can do it as per your consciousness.

If you face more skin problem in winter just contact your skin expert or dermatologist for skin check-up and treatment. A good dermatologist may provide you better skin treatment so always choose skin expert or dermatologist very carefully.

Have a safe and healthy winter.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

How to Look Young at Any Age

Aging is a time bound process of life for both men and women, however, that doesn't mean it's constantly pleasant. In case you're stressed over losing your energetic looks and aura, at that point you're not the only one. Try not to stress - there's assistance along the way. There are a lot of things you can do to thump a long time off your image without decimating your bank account or getting surgery, such as taking advance care of your skin and switching up your hairdo.  

Take care of your skin

Whether you were a die-hard party rocker in a past life, or still love to have a little bit too much fun, your skin is the first thing that will annoy you., wrinkles, Lines, crow’s feet and loss of elasticity are main symptoms of growing older. The best way to fight aging in your skin is to use sunscreen on the daily and keep it moisturised. Using a sun screen will protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which cause dryness, age spots, loss of elasticity as well as a whole host of more serious health problems.  

What is a healthy diet plan?

A healthy diet plan includes all vitamins and mineral including right amount of calories which are essential for your skin and body. Woman’s body requires different nutrients to fight her growing age and all the issues that come along with. We know, talking about a healthy diet is easier but maintaining it becomes a little difficult particularly when you are young. However, if you put in some efforts and make a few changes in your food habits

Some tips that help you to look younger than your age:
  • Take care of your skin
  • Choose the right concealer and moisturizer
  • Get an eye-lift with eye shadow
  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Remove makeup while sleeping
  • Be positive be happy!
  • Think young, look young
  • Trim your eyebrows
  • Drink plenty of water

(This is the most important of all beauty tips for younger looking skin. Water makes up to around 65% of your body)
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Switch to tender coconut water; 
  • Avoid aerated drinks that lead to toxin releases in the body, causing breakouts.

Saturday 21 October 2017

Pimples on your face say what about your health

Every woman gets a pimple before the period, she blames it on hormones and hides pimples with concealer. But have you ever thought why pimples appear on the same spot every time and no cream or cleanser can help getting rid of them? Skin doctor suggests that problems with the skin are a reflection of inner well-being.

Your skin is basically a billboard for what's going on inside your body.The place on your body that is prone to pimples can help to determine what health problems you might have. Because breakouts actually don't just occur randomly, a pimple can send a pretty clear message about your health and hygiene, according to dermatologist Dr. Manju Keshari, director of KEMPS Skin Clinic in Ghaziabad. 

Each point on your face is linked to specific body organs and functions, so a breakout in a particular area means there is something wrong elsewhere in the body. 

Here are some areas your face may be breaking out or experiencing an issue, 

  • Pimple on your Forehead 

Breakouts on the forehead are directly related to your stomach and food intake. Stop eating junk food, excessive sugar and drink plenty of water as this could also be a greater problem of stomach infection after some time.

  • Pimples on cheeks

These pimples usually are caused when your face touches dirty cell phones, pillowcases, makeup brushes, and dirty hands! These germs are transferred to your skin and can clog your pores causing breakouts on your cheeks so take proper cleanness for cell phones, pillow covers etc.

  • Between your eyebrows

These breakouts are related to your digestive system and poor circulation. Therefore, if you’re intolerant to certain foods, this may appear as rashes or breakouts in this area. Unhealthy foods such as sugar candies and junk food may also result in breakouts in this area. A better-planned diet chart may help you to maintain clear skin.

  • Above the brow

Breakouts in this area will give you insight on your immune system. If you start breaking out in this area, it could be an indication that you’re coming down with a cold or other illness. Clear your skin by boosting your immunity by taking proper nutrition.

  • Pimples on Chin

A large number of us have hormonal irregular, however, aren't mindful of them. On the off chance that you break out on your chin, it might be an indication of hormonal issues. Give your skin additional consideration amid that season of a month and begin to address the significantly more concerning issue of imbalanced hormones.

  • Pimples around the lips

These breakouts are related to your digestive system and poor diet, the residue from acidic foodstuffs like lemon or vinegar can cause irritation on the skin and ultimately cause inflammation. These foods obstruct the pores physically. Accordingly, the gnarly looking zits happen around the mouth.

Friday 29 September 2017

What is photo facial? What can a Photo Facial do for you?

Photo-facial is newer technology for Facial and it is very safe. A photo facial is more than a beauty treatment. It can significantly improve many common skin conditions. by considering a photo facial, you probably get revitalize and enhance the skin.

Photo facial is a unique cosmetic procedure that is used to cure a wide range of skin problems. It works using a combination of Diode Laser, Radio Frequency energy, and Intense Pulsed Light. Photo facial has used some kind of light-based technology, primarily for boosting collagen, treating brown spots, and diminishing broken capillaries. 

How Does A Photo Facial Work?

A licensed dermatologist performed this procedure to improve the condition of your skin. During a photo facial, pulses of non-laser light are applied to your skin in a sequence of varying wavelengths. This is called Intense Pulse Light technology (IPL). This treatment causes minimal discomfort and is completely safe.

There are many types of skin imperfections that cure by photo facial. Photo facials can give a new look to skin suffering from:
  • Ageing spots
  • Birthmarks
  • Blemishes
  • Broken capillaries/blood vessels
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Hyperpigmentation

The benefits of the photo facial are:
  • Improvement of red flushing skin, rosacea, and broken capillaries.
  • Minimal discomfort during treatment.
  • Short time duration– resume regular activities immediately. 
  • Photo facial treatment helps in repairing the small blood vessels that become visible.
  • It helps in removing the sunspots and pigmentation irregularities.
  • It helps in improving your skin texture and can treat minor dermal injuries.
  • Improvement of sunspots, age spots, dull complexions, uneven pigmentation, large pores, sun damaged skin, and early signs of aging.

Advantage of Photo Facial

Skin spots such as freckles, age spots, and birthmarks are the result of excess melanin in your skin that skin problems reduce by Photo Facial. It can improve numerous skin problems regardless of whether they are caused by aging or heredity. Pigmentation problems also benefit from a photo facial. 

Whether you want to reduce the appearance of lines or remove a red area, a photo facial will enhance your appearance and give you vibrant, healthy skin. Always prefer a experiences dermatologist to perform photo facial.

Friday 22 September 2017

What is the main reason for acne in teenage

Acne is a skin condition causing bumps on the face, back, and chest. Acne is so common that it's considered a normal part of puberty. One of the most common problems of adolescence, acne is estimated to affect around 80% of teenagers in one form or the other.  That’s huge!  So, what are the causes of acne for teenagers?  Causes of Acne for Teenagers While acne is largely treatable and causes no real harm to your physical being.  In many cases, it causes damage to your psyche and reduces your self-confidence.
Teen acne is a skin condition causing bumps on the face, back, and chest. They are commonly referred to as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, pustules, and cysts," says Dr. Manju Kehari, a renowned dermatologist at the KEMPS Skin Clinic.  

Reasons for Acne:

In rare cases, acne can be caused by other reasons in girls or women. For example, if you have a condition called Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), you are likely to develop acne.  Or if you have a mild form of acne, it may get worse. This acne occurs because the ovaries or adrenal gland produce male hormones in excess. This form of acne is usually accompanied by other glaring symptoms like hirsutism and the thinning of the scalp.

  • Hormonal changes is the main reason for ance, if:
  • Excess of stress
  • In Pregnancy  or get an abortion
  • In menstruation
  • Suffering from example PCO
  • Taking of certain medicines, including corticosteroids and anabolic steroids
  • Using oily cosmetics and creams
  • Sunbathing and tanning
  • Irritation from perfumes, dyes, and irritating ingredients in detergents, skin care, and the like

Why do some people get acne and others don't?

Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty.  This is the main cause of acne. According to the KEMPS Skin Clinic’s doctors can prescribe acne treatments that work along with reducing oil production, speeding up skin cell turnover, fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation.

You may visit kemps skin clinic located in Vaishali, Ghaziabad for acne treatment. It is easily reachable by road and metro. Online appointment is also available there. Book your appointment for before visit.

Saturday 29 July 2017

How to get rid from mole on face?

Moles are skin developments made up of cells that produce pigment. A mole can grow up anyplace on the skin, single or in gatherings. Many people get a couple of moles in their teenage. They are normally darker in shading yet can be blue, dark, or substance color. Most moles are safe and don't cause torment or different manifestations unless you rub them or they knock against something.

A few moles are pretty and add a unique appeal to a face while others bring just dissatisfaction. Since moles as skin pigmentations don't pick an area and can be discovered anyplace on your body and face, a few people may consider how to dispose of undesirable moles all over. Other than just stylish reasons, there are medicinal suggestions as to moles evacuation as to those moles which change in size or shape. 

Why remove a mole or skin tag?

Most moles and skin labels don't require treatment. In any case, some of the time individuals need to expel them for restorative reasons or on the grounds that they cause distress when they rub against apparel or get got in adornments.

Check with your skin specialist on the off chance that you have a mole that appears to be unique camera.gif from your different moles. He or she may need to do a biopsy of the mole, which implies evacuating the mole and sending it to a lab to check it for growth.

Dr. Maju Keshri at KEMPS skin clinic is an expert on mole removal treatment. You may consult with her regarding this process. Her clinic is in Vaishali, Ghaziabad. It’s easily reachable by road and metro (Blue line).

Dermatologists and skin care experts are working days and nights for producing the perfect cream that will remove the moles efficiently and will not even harm the skin of the patient. 

If you are wondering how to get rid of moles, listed below you will find the various options for mole removal:

Moles treatment:

Dermatologists and healthy skin specialists are working days and evenings for delivering the ideal cream that will evacuate the moles proficiently and won't hurt the skin of the patient.
If you are looking for removal of moles, below you will find the various options for mole removal:

Laser mole removal:

By using a concentrated beam of light to break up the cells that make up the mole. Most patients who have used this method required no anesthetic and felt a tingling feeling from the laser pulse. The beam of light is gentle enough not to harm healthy skin. However, this method can be costly with the results varying from patient to patient. Deep moles are not suitable for laser because the light does not penetrate deeply enough.


Skin mole evacuation can be completed by extraction (cutting) after which the injury is sewed. This will be done in the specialist's surgery. Contingent upon the profundity of the mole and the extraction stitches are set either profound (they will be consumed by the body and don't need to be evacuated) or on the upper surface of the skin (and will be expelled later).

Excision with cauterization:

Other approaches to removal of moles are by extraction with cauterization where a Unique instrument is utilized to consume with extreme heat the mole. Proper home care is essential after both extraction mole evacuation techniques to guarantee the injuries successfully.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Effect of oily food on skin or what food causes pimples on the face

Some of us have healthy skin while some are unfortunately not. However, you require not stress because getting naturally healthy, glowing skin is not a very hard task now days. By fallowing a healthy diet plan, you can work your way towards the naturally glowing skin.

Nutrition is a main key point in lifestyle that can make or break your health. Many food items that we eat can be harm for the skin. The list of foods to avoid with oily skin is quite long. Numerous nourishment things are exceptionally valuable for the skin and can help dispose of sleek skin in a matter of moments. 

“Every dermatologist will attest that a well-rounded diet will better support a healthy immune system," Dr. Manju Keshari, dermatologist says.

Some skin-friendly food choices include:
  • Nuts
  • Spinach and other dark green and leafy vegetables
  • Blueberries
  • Whole-wheat bread
  • Brown rice
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Beans, peas, and lentils
  • Tomatoes
  • Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, and sweet potatoes

Your composition turns out to be oily when the sebaceous organs in the skin emit more sebum than they have to. This can prompt extended pores, whiteheads, clogged pores, and skin break out.

Some foods that trigger spikes in insulin include:
  • pasta
  • white rice
  • sugar
  • white bread

Oily skin can be difficult to control, but by managing your diet and reducing your intake of junk foods, you will see positive improvements to your skin!

Diet affects the skin?

Diet is the one major factor which affects your skin. Some foods raise your blood sugar more quickly than others. When your blood sugar rises quickly, it causes the body to release a hormone called insulin. Having excess insulin in your blood can cause your oil glands to produce more oil, increasing your risks of pimples.

Causes of Oily Skin
  • Heredity
  • Use of wrong types of creams, lotions or cosmetic.
  • Intake of birth control pills
  • Pregnancy
  • High humidly
  • Stress
  • Hormone levels change, especially in teenage

Oily skin is referred to therapeutically as seborrhea and is caused by excess skin oil delivered inside the pores. Amid adolescence and other life occasions, fluctuating hormones can bring about expanded androgen levels - androgens are the hormone that causes sleek skin and hair.

Saturday 22 July 2017

What is the benefit of facial treatment?

A facial is a wonderful treatment to restore a solid, clear composition and give you brilliant skin. Most medications will include purging to dispose of any dead skin, utilizing toner to clean away dirt and unblock pores and saturating to rehydrate and light up the skin. They are ordinarily finished with the assistance of a skin expert at a skin clinic. 

A facial is essentially an approach to enhance the look of their skin. The body's natural processes can dull facial skin. Your skin continually bogs off dead cells. These cells can stop up pores and give the skin a matured look. 

What Do Facials Really Do?

Basically, facials make you feel good about yourself. They claim to revive your skin by disposing of dead skin cells and profound clean pores, enhance the surface and appearance of your skin, saturate your composition, and fix your pores in this manner making skin seem firm, brilliant and youthful.

Types of Facial Treatments
  • Simple: the most common, basic, and well-known cleansing facial mask treatment
  • Bio-lift: treats problem areas under your eyes
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) facials: this is actually a chemical peel that uses a variety of acids like citric and glycolic acid to remove dead cells on the skin’s surface

What are the benefits of a facial?

Essential facials profoundly scrub skin and may help battle certain skin issues, for example, gentle skin break out or dryness. The medications leave confronts sparkling and are commonly extremely unwinding, as they include a massage component.They are following:
  • Refines skin pores
  • Improves skin tone and decreases pigmentation
  • Firms delicate skin around eyes 
  • Reduce fine lines and soften wrinkles
  • Reduces visual appearance wrinkles
  • Minimizes the appearance of scars
  • Renews skin elasticity and gives it a healthy glow
  • Remove dull, dead skin cells to improve radiance.  
  • Soften and smooth surface texture. 
  • Improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation, melasma, and sun damage

Some Precautions You Must Take When it Comes to Facials
  • If you’re looking for some pampering, use a simple facial where they will clean, steam and massage your skin. This might be refreshing but make sure you get it done at an expert skin doctor.
  • It is very important that Let your therapist know if you suffer from any allergies or is taking a specific kind of medication. You may think nothing of it, but the products used in the facial may cause adverse reactions on your skin.
  • Pregnant women should inform the therapist immediately as certain products used in facials are not suitable for them.

Advanced Facial Treatments

Advanced aesthetic facial treatments are vital in maintaining skin health and a naturally youthful appearance. Treatments at KEMPS Skin Clinic are of a medical grade and at we only use clinically proven machines and products containing high levels of pure active ingredients from the leading aesthetic brands, Derma Quest and Environ.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

How to get rid of pigmentation on face & human body

A standout amongst the most widely recognized worries in the beauty industry is pigmentation on the face. An uneven skin tone isn't sought by many individuals yet huge amounts of us experience the ill effects of it. There are two sorts of pigmentation: hyper pigmentation, and hypo pigmentation. Hyper pigmentation happens when the stained skin is darker than whatever remains of the skin. Hypo pigmentation happens when the skin being referred to is lighter than your ordinary skin shading.
The unwanted pigment is something that affects everyone at one point or another. Some people see it faster and easier than others. The general public may know pigmentation as freckles, age spots, liver spots, scarring, or uneven skin tone. Pigmentation is hard to treat and it is a progressing procedure. You must be patient when working with customers that are attempting to battle pigmentation.   

The Various Kinds of Pigmentation

1) Melasma
2) Chloasma
3) Solar Lentigines or Sun Damage
4) Freckles
5) Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Pigmentation of a symptom of the disease

If the pigmentation of the upper lip is not associated with increased sun exposure, and there is at any time of year, you need to seek help from a doctor to get tested and get tested. Only a doctor is able to determine the reason why there is pigmentation.

What causes pigmentation?

Melanin is the pigment that gives our skin, hair, and eyes their color. Melanin is made in a cell called a melanocyte that sits in the bottom of the epidermis. Everyone has the same amount of melanocytes, but in darker skin, the melanocytes are producing more melanin making the skin have a darker tone. The significant reason for hyper pigmentation is the expanded melanin levels. Melanin is the shade in charge of your skin tone. It is uniformly appropriated everywhere throughout the body to get the even skin tone. Patches create when the melanin circulation is thwarted or when melanin accumulates in one area. The principle reasons are –

There are many other reasons that can cause this skin condition and some of them are given below.
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Contact with certain chemicals
  • Stress
  • Dietary imbalances
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • Skin allergies
  • Menopausal hormonal changes
  • Sun burn/ Ultraviolet radiation
  • Using fairness creams for very long period
  • Trauma or skin injury

Safety during Laser removal of pigmentation

The laser beam is completely harmless because you can adjust various parameters. Therefore completely exclude the possibility of burns, scars and pigmentation increased resistant against this background. Highly Specialist will select individual wavelength and intensity of the laser radiation.


Diagnostic tests vary for different types of skin pigmentation disorders. Physicians usually can diagnose albinism by looking carefully at a person's hair, skin, and eyes. They may order blood tests and eye exams as well. A visual exam also is enough to diagnose vitiligo.

For more detail contact to Kemps skin Clinic where Dr. Manju Keshari, Dermatologist answer you all queries and provide you proper skin care treatment. Her clinic “Kemps skin Clinic” is easily reachable by road and metro it is located in Vaishali Ghaziabad near Vaishali metro station.

Thursday 29 June 2017

What Is Microdermabrasion, And how it Improve Your Skin?

Microdermabrasion is a non- chemical, non- invasive method that uses a shower of microcrystals to expel the peripheral layer of dry, dead skin cells and uncover more youthful, more beneficial looking skin. Microdermabrasion likewise empowers the production of a new basic layer of skin cells with more higher amounts of collagen and elastin, which additionally enhances your skin's appearance.

Microdermabrasion works on all skin types and colors. It rolls out unobtrusive improvements, causing no skin color change or scarring. It is not compelling for more profound issues, for example, scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, or deep acne scar. 

What does microdermabrasion do?

Microdermabrasion is not the kind of cosmetic procedure where you have to be put to sleep and go under the knife, in this process a small hand-held machine with a closed vacuum and diamond tip is applied to the skin surface and mixes the abrasion of the particles with suction.

Preparing for treatment

This procedure requires little preparation. You may clear your makeup and come for treatment with a clean face, or allow your skin care professional to remove your makeup for you.

What microdermabrasion can do?
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Remove age spots and black heads
  • Improve hyperpigmentation (patches of darkened skin)
  • Exfoliate your skin, resulting in a refreshed look
  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Eliminate or reduce enlarged pores
  • Treat acne and the scars left by acne


This is very basic level treatment suitable for all skin types. This is one of KEMPS Skin Clinic favorite treatments, not only because the results are instant, but also because your practitioner can combine the treatment with our skin peels to reveal even more impressive results.


If you have overly sensitive skin or received an extra aggressive treatment, your face will likely show redness for about an hour or so after the treatment. You may also notice some mild dryness or flaking.

How safe is the microdermabrasion done by best Cosmetic Surgeon in KEMPS Skin Clinic:

Microdermabrasion is safe to use on all skin types and colors. It can be combined with other non-surgical facial rejuvenation to get the maximum benefit.

To know more about Microdermabrasion to improve your appearance, visit our Ghaziabad KEMPS Skin Clinic for a free consultation.

Microdermabrasion is a popular treatment to rejuvenate the skin and is done by expert Cosmetic Surgeon in Ghaziabad, Dr. Manju Keshari from Vaishali Cosmetic Clinic for remarkable results. We offer all kinds of treatments at the most reasonable Beauty and Cosmetic Surgery Prices in Sec- 4, Vaishali.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

How to care skin in rainy season?

You may feel relief from the extreme heat of summer causing sun burns, tans, sweaty and stinky days in Rainy season. But along with it, the humid and damp weather brings another type of infections.

Rainy season is a refreshing season that in which you may forget beauty tips for some time. 

Skincare in the rainy season becomes very essential as we need to protect it from high humidity weather and an infectious environment. There are high chances of getting skin infections and skin problems during rainy seasons.

Dr. Manju Keshari provides some tips for the rainy season. The following tips are sure to help you in protection and skincare in rainy season: 
  1. Always wash your face, hands and feet when you reach your home with mild hot water. This makes you feel energetic, refreshed and keeps healthy.
  2. Most of the times use soap free cleansers and a good scrub so as to maintain the softness of your skin.
  3. Most of them stop using sunscreen once the climate turns cool, but you must continue it even if it is cloudy.
  4. Water proof light makes up will be a better choice in rains than heavy cream based make ups.
  5. Avoid to use heavy makeup in a rainy season, better if one opts for a water- proof makeup.
  6. Avoid bleaching and facials in this season, as bleaching could do more harm for your face and facial makes your skin rough.
  7. Wash your lips at night and apply some milk cream. Avoid lipsticks especially the dark shaded ones. Apply coconut oil if they are slightly cracked.
  8. Rainy season makes the skin dehydrated; hence the skin must be moisturized regularly to keep it healthy
  9. Use warm water instead of cold water to clean the face after coming home from outside.
  10. Don’t shower with steaming hot water. It will make your skin capillaries weak and cause skin damage.
  11. Don’t cleanse in a hurry; not cleansing adequately translates to the bacterial invasion which then triggers breakouts. 

Monsoon Skin Care Routine: The Do’s

  1. Do eat wholesome meals which include good fats because they are pivotal in repairing damaged skin and also retaining moisture.
  2. Do let your feet breathe and airy. Wearing closed footwear will make your feet sweat, which in turn will lead to fungal and bacterial infections. Instead, wear waterproof footwear like sandals and floaters.
  3. Do make sure when you go for a pedicure that the tools are sterilized. While most salons do maintain hygienic conditions, wet spells make it hard to do so. Check that all the tools are disinfected; if required ask them to do so in front of you. 
Do proper care of your skin and in any type of itching and fungal infection immediate consult your Dermatologist. It is very necessary for the rainy season.

Friday 16 June 2017

What are the Benefits of a Skin Facial for Teenagers in summer season?

Facials involve a cleansing procedure, a massage and steam, and the application of a facemask. What they help to do is remove the dead, dull outer layer of cells that make up the skin's surface or epidermis along with pollutants. The massage, which is an important part of a facial, helps blood circulation, which in turn aids lymphatic drainage (the removal of toxins and waste from the body). 

There are many benefits of facials for a teenager, but for teens, in particular, facials will help clean out blackheads and clogged pores caused by oil production. Skin care products used at home can only help reduce clogged pores. It takes a professional esthetician to properly prepare and soften the skin before manual extractions can take place in a safe and effective way. 

Benefits for Skin Facial:
  • Reduces the presence of acne
  • Prevents long term scarring
  • Promotes skin fairness and a glow 
  • Natural mitigating and antibacterial properties alleviate and heal inflamed skin
  • Leaves a smoother skin surface 
  • Saves cash on costly creams

Teen Facial Guideline:

Particularly made to address the changing skin conditions and healthy skin needs of the young generation. KEMPS Skin Clinic gives healthy skin exhortation in a well-ordered altered regimen including how the skin functions and why each progression is fundamental in their day by day schedule.

How often should teens have facials?

It depends on the skin issues and type of each teen. Depending on the severity of problem skin, we recommend a minimum of every 2-4 months for maintaining healthy, clear skin.

How it works?

Skin facial treatment features a cleansing enzyme peel, which is made by fruit extracts to help dead cells slough off, and provide proper care to the skin. Enzyme peels provide deep exfoliation, as well as clears impurities from the skin. It is a wonderful treatment for individuals with acne or other skin problems relating to clogged pores.

About our Doctor:

Dr. Manju Keshari is one of the top dermatologists in Delhi NCR and makes use of “Gold Standard” technology for each and every procedure we provide, for every type of skin and hair.

Monday 12 June 2017

What is the affect of weather on your skin?

Whether it's hot, cold, dry or humid, an area's climate can seriously affect the skin of an individual, it’s the root cause of face breakouts, itchy dry patches. Extremes in weather — each warm and bloodless — can exacerbate some existing skin situations or even motive new ones.

A weather-sensitive person reacts with varying intensity to changes in weather elements, such as air pressure, temperature, and humidity. These changes can affect a person's well-being and may worsen the symptoms of existing disorders, in particular, pain.  

Some of the Major effects are:
  • Increased irritability and aggressiveness, 
  • Anxiety, depression,
  • Listlessness, fatigue,
  • Lack of concentration, 
  • Sleep disorders, 
  • Headache and migraine, 
  • Heart and circulation irregularities, 
  • Nausea, 
  • Dizziness, 
  • Scar pain or phantom pain, and rheumatic pain. 

Here are just some of the ways your body can go haywire when the temperature changes.

The climate truly affects our states of mind and wellbeing as drastically as it can influence our streets. Everybody has seen it to some degree for the duration of their lives. Individuals living in hot atmospheres with the sun approaching overhead notice vitality level totally not quite the same as those living further north.

Indeed, even individuals simply going by atmospheres totally unique in relation to their own are frequently shocked the immense contrasts in the general state of mind of local people contrasted with that of individuals back home.

KEMPS Skin Clinic has been the pioneer for using the latest technology and state of the art equipment for all your requirements for skin care and hair treatments for more than 7 years. Our teams of experienced and qualified doctors are able to provide the best in class services to our patients. Our clinic is equipped with advanced machines and latest technical tools to provide you world-class services in Ghaziabad.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Top 10 skin care tips in summer provide by KEMPS Skin Clinic

Summer weather means showing more skin, hotter temperatures and plenty of days spent in the sun. You know that a regular skin care routine includes cleansing, exfoliating and hydrating. However, during the summer you need to add a few additional steps to your skin care regimen. Your skin is the largest organ your body has and you should treat it with care.

There are several tips to help minimize the effects of the sun on your skin as well as prepare your skin for the summer months. They are following- 

1. Staying out of sun during hottest hours

The hottest hours of the day are between 10 am and 3 pm. You should avoid staying out for long in these hours as your skin will get more exposed to radiations.

2. Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen is the best way to which your skin is protected. Choose a sunscreen which has a combination of sunscreen and moisturizer. You need to nourish your skin with vitamins and anti-oxidants for long term benefits.

3. Carry water everywhere

Higher temperature and spending more time outdoor can make your body dehydrated, which can result in headaches and dizzy spells! The only way to keep the body hydrated from within is to drink more and more water.

4. Protecting your skin

Protect your facial skin by wearing a hat, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as the sensitive skin around the eyes is prone for fast aging.

5. Avoid Aerated Drinks

Though advertisements tend to promote aerated drinks by showing a chilled bottle on a really hot day, avoid the temptation. We say this because though it might seem logical, it does more harm than good.

6. Keep skin hydrated

During the summer days, you need to choose your makeup products very carefully. Opt for makeup products that contain some sort of hydrating or moisturizing ingredients. You must buy intensive masques for the summer months and use it once or twice a week to enjoy hydrated skin.

7. Treat sun damaged skin

Even after using sunscreen, sun rays often cause damage to the skin. In case you have sun damaged skin, get it treated immediately with over the counter gels and lotions. Such products can help prevent peeling and reduce redness and inflammation.

8. Stay in the shade

If you’re going to be spending some time outside this summer, make sure you pick a shady area to sit, especially if you have to be out during the hottest parts of the day (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.).

9. Do not apply perfume on your skin when going out.

This one is an absolute no-no. Put perfume on your clothes but putting it on your skin can permanently stain your skin due to the psoralen in the perfume.

10. Drink water

Don’t get hit with dehydration in this summer. Not only it damages the skin by creating unwanted lines – and in severe cases, scaly skin – but also it will leave you feeling exhausted and may result in nasty headaches. 

For more skin related treatment and query you may visit Kemps skin Clinic located in Vaishali.

Healthy skin is the reflection of the overall health condition of an individual. Summer is the time when our skin needs more protection. Skin is the most prominent organ of our body. So, during summer, it is essential to take care of the skin.

Monday 15 May 2017

How does the environmental change affect our skin?

Different types of environmental factors can have their own effects on the skin. For example, chemicals such as oil and tar can clog your pores and cause acne or folliculitis. Other materials can cause tissue to break down or fluids to build up in the skin.  

The relationship between the environment and our genes is important. Despite genetic predisposition, it is possible to manage one’s skin condition—if one is aware of the various environmental factors that come:  

Hot weather: When temperatures are high, our bodies sweat to cool down. Perspiration may cause a variety of skin issues such as irritation, rash, and acne.  A gentle cleanser to wash away perspiration is often a great idea. Moreover, heat can cause drying of the skin, leading to skin that is rough or flaky in feel and appearance.

Cold weather: Colder climates are generally characterized by cold temperatures and windy conditions. These elements can often strip moisture from the skin, leaving it dry, flaky, and even chapped or cracking. 

Humidity: The amount of humidity in the air can have a huge effect on your skin. Low humidity can pull moisture from the skin and leave it dehydrated, dry, and flaky. In contrast, high humidity prevents evaporation of sweat, leading to clogged pores, oily skin, and in many cases, acne breakouts.

Pollution: The places we live, particularly urban areas, often contain environmental pollution. Exposures to contaminants such as cigarette smoke, smog, and exhaust from automobiles can enhance the creation of skin-damaging free radicals, which may lead to wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Climate: Cold, dry climates cause eczema to flare while hot, humid climates aggravate acne—that’s a common belief. It’s not always so. While cases vary, Dr. Manju Keshari from KEMPS Skin Clinic agree that a change in climate will usually bring about a change—good or bad—in one’s chronic skin condition.

Biological: Elements like bacteria, pollens, allergens, and pet dander could also be wreaking havoc on your skin. If you tend to break out in a rash after playing with your pet or you break out in hives after eating a strawberry, you are all too familiar with how biological elements like allergens can affect your skin.

The environment seems to be a big issue lately; companies and communities are constantly looking for ways to “go green” and help promote healthier, happy environments across the world so that the Earth can continue to thrive and nourish people and animals alike. Both natural and man-made environmental factors have been linked to several different skin conditions.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Find skin specialists in Ghaziabad for smooth and glowing skin

How to get a glowing skin? These are the questions that most of us ask the skin specialists and dermatologist and which need a satisfying answer. Clear glowing skin is a dream for every person. No one likes pimples, zits, dark spots, baggy eyes or dark circles. There are different skin types and different problems associated with them. So, if you are looking for the best ways to how to get smooth and glowing skin, this article is surely going to be your best help. 

Every person has different skin type and different skin problems like acne, pimples, wrinkles, sun marks, white heads, black heads, cracks and red spots. Skin problem may vary according to the age also.  

KEMPS Skin clinic prides itself as a provider of leading laser technologies utilizing the most latest and the best equipment in a dermatological treatment. The clinic is conveniently located at Sector -4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad. KEMPS Skin Clinic is a well-known skin and hair solutions clinic in Ghaziabad.

Dr. Manju Keshari is an eminent dermatologist in Ghaziabad who specializes in aesthetic procedures, acne care and skin enhancement treatment and hair regrowth treatment. She is a highly skilled dermatologist who has helped many patients achieve excellent results in their desire for better looks.

Tips to keep your skin glowing and healthy:

1. Cleanse: Clean skin is beautiful skin. It's important to keep your skin cleansed of sweat, dirt, and oil to prevent clogged pores and a dull appearance. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser every morning and night, followed by a quick sweep with toner on a cotton pad.

2. Refresh: If you don't have time to wash your face, or just want to get rid of that "tired" look, use an astringent to refresh and clean your skin.

3. Exercise can help the skin to glow: Exercising regularly has ample benefits not only for your body but also for your skin. Exercising helps in relieving stress and promotes better digestive health, both of which are important for healthy and glowing skin.

4. Protect: One of the most critical thing you can do to keep your skin healthy, younger looking, and evenly toned is to wear sunscreen every day.

5. Avoid the Sun: The sun is a great source for vitamin D. The morning sun from 7am to 9am is good for the skin. However avoiding the sun after this time is very essential.

6. Leave Stress Behind: How to have beautiful skin? If this is your question, the answer is rest! Sleep is the number one secret to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and get flawless and glowing skin naturally

7. Drink Water: As we know there are many health benefits of drinking water and juices, one of the best is to help your skin to purify the impurities, and glowing skin tips are incomplete without the inclusion of this essential point.

8. Shampoo Your Makeup Brushes: Every time you swipe on your blush with a dirty brush, you add a layer of acne-causing bacteria to your skin. Cleaning your brushes is easy: Just suds them with shampoo, rinse them and hang them to air-dry with the bristles facing down.

9. Get a healthy diet for glowing skin: What you eat is what you look. If you do not eat right, it is sure to show on your skin. If you are aiming to get beautiful glowing skin, your work should start from correcting your daily diet. Vegetables, fresh fruits supply the required minerals and vitamins to the body which is important not only for a healthy body but also for a healthy glowing skin.

We try our best to deliver what we promise by continually increasing our knowledge and experience about latest advancement in the field of dermatology and cosmetology. Our staff is here to make you feel comfortable while we try and take care of all your needs and treatment.

Friday 28 April 2017

How to maintain skin glowing naturally in summer session?

Do you in search for naturally glowing and brilliant skin? Nothing makes you feel sure as having lovely appearance. Solid and shining skin makes you look younger and feel full of vigor, no matter what your age or physical condition is. 

UV Sun beams are more exceptional in summer season so on the off chance that you go out in season without appropriate skin Protection then flammable sun beams will adversely affect your skin and may transform it into unpleasant, dull and dim skin. 

Summer sun tanning or darkening of skin is very normal when contrasted with different seasons. Henceforth you truly need to take after a proper skin care routine to shield your skin from summer skin tanning.

Common causes of skin problems
  • Premature wrinkling can start primarily due to stress or unhealthy lifestyle practices. Some major culprits are smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, and unhealthy food choices.
  • Acne is another common skin problem among women of all age groups. This could sometimes occur due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Improper digestion also shows up in the form of pimples.
  • Whatever the cause, these yoga exercises can help you achieve a smooth glowing skin.
You may have frequently thought about whether it is hard to sport a glowing radiant skin. Despite what might be expected! It is quite easy to do, not a fantastical dream by any stretch of the imagination. Furthermore, the good news is that you don't require harsh chemicals or costly excellence medications to accomplish this.

In any case, before we discuss the arrangement, let’s first understand where skin problems such as wrinkles and dark spots stem from that keep you away from getting a glowing face.

Natural beauty tips to get your skin to glow provide by KEMPS Skin Clinic

A.      Drink lots of water.
B.      Get about 7-8 hour sleep a day. Your body repairs your skin naturally while you sleep.
C.      Avoid smoking
D.      Make it a habit to apply a mild cleanser to remove your makeup, excess oils and all accumulated dirt, and then moisturize before you sleep at night.
E.       Use rosewater as a natural toner. It is so mild that it leaves your skin supple and smooth.
F.       Make sure to use cleanser, toner, moisturizer and other beauty products of your skin type and from the same brand. Mixed brands sometimes do not interact well with one another.
G.     Consider applying baby lotion on your arms, legs and stomach every day after you shower.
H.      Avoid taking long, hot showers, as they strip your skin of essential oils and moisture. Use lukewarm water instead.

Ladies of any age and times have wanted a lovely and shining skin. This desire takes us to the entryways of each parlor and we attempt each item in the market promising the coveted impact. Tragically, they are generally not fruitful, costly and some of them even have side effects.

Women from a long time have been using bleaches and chemicals to make their skin beautiful, but this reduces their skin health in a long term.