Showing posts with label Skin solution clinic in Ghaziabad Vasundhara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin solution clinic in Ghaziabad Vasundhara. Show all posts

Thursday 8 August 2019

Beauty pills ,its benefit and side effect on health

Nowadays Beauty supplements & pills are common in the youngster to get glowing skin hair and nails but the main question is that is it safe? Because such products often contain large doses of vitamins, they can cause side effects. As with any nutritional supplement, check with your doctor before taking any of these products.

Hair, Skin, and Nails Pills: These common components of beauty supplements include vitamins A, C, D, E, K, several B vitamins and zinc. Beauty supplements are similar to multivitamins, but their formulas are often somewhat less extensive. They also may also contain inactive ingredients of soy or peanuts. 

As per the skin specialist the possible side effects of these types of supplements may include diarrhea, constipation and upset stomach.

Symptoms are usually temporary and go away in time. The inactive ingredients, however, may produce allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. This response is rare and may manifest as hives or swelling of the tongue, face or throat.

Always take the recommended from dermatologist while taking these kinds of pills. Overdosing can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It may also lead to fainting or difficulty breathing, which is a medical emergency.

Alternatives to Beauty Supplements:  Since hair, skin, and nails pills have a some side effects is there a better way to get all the nutrients you need for a healthy complexion and hair?

Yes, A healthy diet full of nutrition value like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and fatty fish will help ensure an adequate intake without posing any possible side effects.  foods that are particularly beneficial, including:
  • Fatty fish, salmon, and mackerel have omega-3 fatty acids
  • for vitamin E and essential fatty acids found in Avocados 
  • Seeds for vitamin E, zinc and selenium
  • Fatty acids found in Nuts.
  • vitamin A found in Sweet potatoes for beta carotene, 
  • Vitamin found in C Sweet peppers
  • Spinach for iron, folate, and vitamins A and C

Dr. Manju Keshri , renowned dermatologist at Kemps skin clinic Vaishali  Sec.-4 provide consultancy and treatment related to skin and hair related issues. You may consult her for Beauty pills, about its safety for skin and health both.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

What is wrinkle and how it treated?

Wrinkles are creases, folds, or ridges in the skin. They normally appear as people get older, but they can also develop after spending a long time in the water. some times Sun damage, smoking, dehydration, some medications and environmental and genetic factors affect when and where people will develop wrinkles.

Although all of our skin ages, sun exposure dramatically enhances the rate at which this occurs. Changes brought on by sun damage (photoaging) include dry skin (really roughness), sagginess, skin growths like keratoses, lentigos ("liver spots"), and wrinkles. Just compare the skin on the face and neck of a poorly pigmented farmer to the skin of his buttocks.


Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As people get older, their skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic, and less able to protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin.

Environmental factors such as smoking can accelerate the development of wrinkles. Each time a person uses a facial muscle, a groove forms under the surface of the skin.

When a person is young, the skin springs back, but as they get older, the skin loses its flexibility. Springing back becomes harder and less frequent, resulting in more permanent grooves.
Treatment Procedural options:

·         Glycolic acid peels: These superficial peels can make a very slight difference in the intensity of fine wrinkles.

·         Deeper peels: These peels use ingredients like salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid and penetrate somewhat deeper into the skin. Deeper peels do a better job of smoothing fine lines. The deeper the peel, however, the greater the risk of side effects such as long-lasting pigment changes (changes in the color of the skin) and scarring. Such peels may require anesthesia. Mild sedation helps ease short-term but intense discomfort.

·         Microdermabrasion: This refers to "sanding the skin" with a machine containing silica or aluminum crystals; many estheticians offer this service, usually in "packages" of six or seven sessions. Microdermabrasion does not change skin anatomy, though it may make the face feel smoother. Cosmetic products marketed as "home microdermabrasion" are just mild exfoliants -- harmless but not likely to produce any meaningful change in wrinkles.

·         Dermabrasion: This is a true surgical procedure, often performed under general anesthesia. The treating physician uses a rotating instrument to sand the skin down. Depending on a great deal on the skill and experience of the operator, dermabrasion can result in excellent improvement but can also produce significant side effects, including scarring and permanent changes in skin color.

·         Laser resurfacing:  Using instruments such as the carbon dioxide and erbium lasers, physicians can achieve results similar to those of dermabrasion with greater reliability and precision. A medical professional passes the laser several times over the area to be treated until the damage reaches the middle of the dermis, the skin's second layer. This helps stimulate the body's natural collagen synthesis (production), which plumps up sagging skin and wrinkles. Some dermatologists perform laser resurfacing under "conscious sedation," in which the patient remains awake and receives intravenous medications to calm and ease the pain.

KEMPS  Skin Clinic provides treatment for wrinkles at very minimum cost. Usually, 3-4 sitting required for it. You may book a prior appointment for better treatment.

Saturday 27 July 2019

What are the moles?

Moles are an abnormal collection of pigmented cells, the cells which give color to the skin. Moles may present since birth or may appear at any age. The color, shape, and size may differ. They may vary in size, small to large, flat to raised and light brown to dark pigmented or black in color. Some moles may have hairs.  Mole can be removed by these techniques.

Cutting / Excision

With this type of skin moles treatment, a local anesthetic is applied to the mole, which is cut out along with a small area of the surrounding skin with a scalpel or surgical scissors. Some moles may have cells that have grown underneath the top layer of skin. Cutting these out may require a few stitches to close the skin, which can leave a small scar that will fade over time.

Shave removal  

Some skin moles can be shaved down with a scalpel. The area gets numbed with a local anesthetic beforehand, and usually, only a small pink mark is left after the removal.

A surgical shave is a short procedure in which the mole is shaved down with a scalpel. To reduce discomfort, the area is numbed with a local anesthetic prior to the procedure so most patients don’t feel discomfort. Usually, only a small pink mark is left after the shaving takes place. This procedure is most suitable for raised moles.

Surgical shaves are typically utilized when doctors are concerned about a mole, but not enough to feel it needs to be completely removed, just enough to biopsy it. This is useful for diagnosing cancers such as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.


Moles that are non-cancerous and haven’t grown to the deeper layers of skin can be frozen off using liquid nitrogen. This type of skin moles treatment may leave a small blister on the skin but is a relatively simple outpatient procedure.

Laser Removal

Smaller, non-cancerous moles that don’t protrude above the surface of the skin may also be removed with a laser treatment. This skin moles treatment uses intense bursts of light radiation to break down the mole cells in the skin. This method usually takes two or three treatments to eradicate the mole. While excision and cutting are the more common and recommended methods of removing moles, laser removal can be used for harder to reach areas, such as on the face or ears, and can be helpful for eliminating multiple moles at the same time.

Is surgical removal of a mole is painful?

The surgical removal is done under local anesthesia, I use to apply numbing cream before giving pricks, to make it almost painless. 

How much time takes in surgery?

Its hardly take few minutes, mole remove by punch and a fine suture is placed on the cut area. The suture is removed after 7 days.  

KEMPS Skin Clinic Vaishali sec-4, Ghaziabad provides advance Mole removal treatment. You may contact a booked appointment for Mole removal.

Friday 12 July 2019

How to take care of skin in humid climate?

Humid weather can be extremely frustrating for the skin. During humid months, the skin starts producing excess oil, thus causing breakouts. Hence, it becomes necessary to take good care of the skin when it is humid outside. We have listed below some tips that can help you maintain the natural health of the skin while coping with humidity.

Take care of the skin in humid weather to look radiant and flawless?

Wash your face: During humidity, the face produces excess oil and sweat. This might lead to pimples on the face. Thus, wash your face for at least 2-3 times a day. Use a cleanser first to wipe the sweat from the face. 

Keep your toner with you: Toner helps to keep the face hydrated. If you are going somewhere outside, then you must keep the toner with you. Spray some toner on your face 2-3 times a day, it will help your skin to stay hydrated and fresh.

Use of moisturizer: During the humid climate, the skin looks oily. It does not mean that you will stop applying moisturizer.  During the humid climate, one must apply an oil-free moisturizer.

Scrub your skin: Exfoliating the skin properly in humid weather does not make the skin look oily. Thus scrub your body and skin properly. Try to scrub your body twice a week. It will help to clean the skin pores and will make your skin clean.

Apply light makeup: During humid weather, too much makeup harms the skin. It leads to pimples and breakouts on the skin. Thus, either avoid doing makeup completely or apply very light makeup. Try to use powder-based products.

According to KEMPS Skin Clinic, you might have to go an extra mile to take care of the skin in a humid climate. However, if you do it right, you can flaunt a flawless and healthy skin throughout the year.  All you need to do is, for more skin related issue you may visit the clinic and take an appointment.

Saturday 29 June 2019

What is Vitalize Peel and what its uses and benefits?

Vitalize Peel:  The Vitalize Peel is a unique Chemical Peel comprised of Alpha-Hydroxy Acid, Bety-Hydroxy Acid, Resorcinol Acid, and Retinoic Acid. The peel is designed to safely reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, and age spots; leaving patients with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Uses of Vitalize peel:

·         Reduce visible signs of aging, including the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

·         Achieve a healthier, more radiant, and more youthful appearance by brightening Skin and improving its color and clarity

·         Enhance Skin texture for smoother, softer Skin

·         Minimize the appearance of skin imperfections such as age/dark spots, acne-prone  skin, and premature aging caused by sun exposure

The Vitalize Peel is the most popular Skin peel. It contains a proprietary blend of ingredients to help rejuvenate the skin. Achieve visible improvement after one treatment with optimal results after a series of treatments.

One of the active ingredients in Vitalize Peel is salicylic acid that has been used for several decades to treat acne. ... Superficial exfoliation produced by Vitalize Peel also helps toimprove post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne lesions.

  •  Enhances skin glow and radiance
  •  Helps restore a more youthful appearance
  • Improves clarity, color and skin texture
  •  Patients achieve enhancement of skin appearance with minimal downtime and discomfort
  • Appropriate for first-time chemical peel patients or patients looking for a gentle, very superficial peel
  • Little or no visible peeling
Kemps Skin Clinic Vaishali , Sec-4 provide Vitalize Peel by expert dermatologist. You may call and book prior appointment for better service. They provide world class skin care service by skin experts.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

How to take care of your skin in Hot summer, some basic tips

Summers are back and so is dull and tired skin. The heat, the sweat, the dirt and those long hours in the sun can make our skin look a little rough. Our skin is just like a plant that needs extra care depending on the season to stay fresh, and not paying attention and taking care of your skin regularly may harm your skin.

We want our summer skin to be smooth, even in color, touchable and great looking. Instead, we often end up with cracked feet, sunburns, uneven tan lines, and sun damage, sometimes, even worse – rashes, bites, and weird-looking self-tanner. To avoid these pitfalls, and get summer skin that’s worth showing off, pay attention to these 5 skin essentials: 

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Nighttime Serums: Nighttime is the best for applying your expensive skincare products because our skin cells regenerate while we sleep. These serums basically help in the process of regeneration of skin cells and may help resolve different skin conditions. They are the best for providing deep hydration to the skin and bringing the glow. Their consistency and formulations usually allow them to reach the deepest layer of the skin.

Take care of your feet: Get that pedicure, but you can also ask your doc about using a prescription urea cream (40% urea, like X-Viate) — it works really well to smooth those heels.

Never Sleep with Makeup On: The major reason for dull skin, clogged pores, and rougher texture is sleeping with makeup on. Doing so in summers can cause the skin to break out as well. Therefore, if you want to maintain the glow and beautiful even tone of your skin, sleep with a cleansed and makeup-free face.

Stay safe in the sun: Use the expensive high-zinc (10-18%) sunscreen on your face, neck, chest, arms, and hands. You can use the drugstore stuff on the rest of your body, but be sure to reapply – don’t let yourself burn.

Exfoliate to Remove Dead Skin: If you’re looking for healthy glowing skin this summer, it’s essential to get rid of the dead skin that has been accumulating on your skin for a while. Exfoliation is, therefore, a must. It helps remove the dead skin cells and promotes the generation of new ones. New cells mean new and brighter skin. Exfoliate your skin one to two times per week. Use a mild exfoliation method for facial skin and don’t use harsh chemical-based defoliants especially if you have sensitive skin.

Avoid weird tan lines: If you use your sunscreen, you really shouldn’t have these. But if get them anyway, then cover up more with a cute summer shirt, a rash guard, a wetsuit, or swim tights.

Dr. Manju Keshri (skin care expert and Dermatologist) at KEMPS Skin Clinic, Vaishali says that above tips with consistency can help you achieve the glowing skin you have been longing for. Skincare, having some basics and following a healthy diet and lifestyle can definitely change the game of your skin too.

Saturday 8 June 2019

What is Phototherapy and what is its process?

Phototherapy, also called light therapy, means treatment with a special kind of light. It is prescribed to treat atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, nummular eczema.

The most common type of phototherapy used to treat eczema is narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) light. This uses a special machine to emit UVB light, which is the best part of natural sunlight for treating eczema.

Broadband UVB phototherapy, PUVA (Psoralen and UVA), and UVA1 are other forms of phototherapy that may be used in special circumstances to treat eczema.  

Phototherapy helps to:
  • Reduce itch
  • Calm inflammation
  • Increase vitamin D production
  • Ramp up bacteria-fighting systems in the skin
Phototherapy is used for eczema that is all over the body (widespread) or for localized eczema (such as hands and feet) that has not gotten better with topical treatments.

About 70% of people with eczema get better with phototherapy. Some people find that phototherapy puts their eczema in a “remittive” or “quiet” state long past the end of the treatment.

There are three main types of phototherapy used for skin disorders:

Broadband UVB: Also known as BBUVB, broadband UVB involves treating skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis with the full the spectrum of ultraviolet-B radiation.

Narrowband UVB: This involves using only a small portion/part of UVB radiation to treat the skin condition. It is more intense than broadband UVB and it’s the most common phototherapy option used by dermatologists.

PUVA: This stands for Psolaren ultraviolet-A. This involves combining UVA light with a certain kind of chemical called psoralen. Psolaren can be applied to your skin or you can take it as a pill. This chemical is found in plants and it makes your skin more sensitive to the light that’s to be applied. PUVA is more intensive and has more side effects than broadband or narrowband UVB, and is usually only resorted to when treatment with the others have been unsuccessful. It’s used for conditions like vitiligo, cutaneous T cell lymphoma, and psoriasis.

Process of Phototherapy:

Body Part or area that does not need treatment ought to be secured and ensured however much as could reasonably be expected and you will be requested that remove any garments that cover the skin being treated with UV. Some wellbeing steps include:
  • Apply Sunscreen to protect your neck, lips and the backs of your hands
  • Wear Special glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from UV light
  • To be cover the genitals in men
  • Apply Sunscreen for nipples and areola in women

KEMPS Skin Clinic is Delhi NCR premiere skin clinic, offering world-class skin treatment for its patients. Dr. Manju Keshri is one of the best dermatologists in Delhi NCR, having wide knowledge and professional experience in treating skin and laser hair removal. 

KEMPS SKIN clinic offers treatments related to  Face rejuvenation, laser hair removal, Skin tightening, anti-aging treatment, acne scar removal and pigmentation reduction etc.

Friday 24 May 2019

What is skin tanning?

Sun tanning or simply tanning is the process whereby skin color is darkened or tanned. It is most often a result of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight or from artificial sources, such as a tanning lamp found in indoor tanning beds. People who deliberately tan their skin by exposure to the sun engage in a passive recreational activity of sunbathing. Some people use chemical products which can produce a tanning effect without exposure to ultraviolet radiation, known as sunless tanning.

How skin tans:

Moderate exposure to direct sunlight contributes to the production of melanin and vitamin D by the body, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays has negative health effects, including sunburn and increased risk of skin cancer, as well as depressed immune system function and accelerated aging of the skin. Some people tan or sunburn more easily than others. This may be the result of different skin types and natural skin color, and these may be a result of genetics. 

Several cases of tanning addiction have been reported by medical researchers. Though the mechanism by which tanning addiction occurs is unknown, some evidence indicates that the release of endorphins during the tanning process causes the pleasurable effects that underlie the addiction.

The term "tanning" has a cultural origin, arising from the color tan. Its origin lies in the Western culture of Europe when it became fashionable for young women to seek a less pale.

Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation is known to cause skin cancer, make skin age and wrinkle faster, mutate DNA and impair the immune system. Frequent tanning bed use triples the risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, according to a 2010 study. The study suggests that the melanoma risk is linked more closely to total exposure than it is to the age at which an individual first uses a tanning bed. The International Agency for Research on Cancer places the use of tanning beds in the highest cancer risk category, describing them as carcinogenic to humans even if used as recommended.

Many people mistakenly believe that having a tan protects their skin against sunburn and UV damage. In fact, a tan offers minimal protection against sunburn (equivalent to around SPF 3, depending on your skin type), and will not protect your DNA from future UV damage. 

Tanning products and UV radiation:

A few tanning lotions include sunscreens, ranging from SPF 4 to 15. However, this protection only lasts for a short time following application and not for the duration of the fake tan, so sunscreen will need to be applied after two hours. Promoting a tanning product as being protective against UV radiation may be misleading.

All tanning products should be used in conjunction with the five sun protection measures – clothing, sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, shade, and sunglasses


De-tanning in simple words is the removal of the tanned skin and cells accumulated in our body after its exposure to the sun’s UV rays and pollution. This is not an alternative to get “fairer” skin. It is a process to remove the tanned skin to even out the skin tone.

There are numerous ways to de-tan, such as magical serums, effective peeling, bleaching of the skin, de-tan facials and body wraps and our favorite natural organic therapies. We may use tomato to remove the tan of our skin or we may use gram flour along with honey and the easiest one lemon with honey and curd. This takes the tan right off the face, giving us a supple, clearer and fresh resultant skin.

For De-tanning session you may contact to KEMPS Skin Clinic Vaishali, sec-4, Ghaziabad, they have expert staff and Cosmetologist to provide you better skin care.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Skin Care tips for Holi

Holi is the favorite festival in India among youngster and kids. Holi is unequivocally the most vibrant and colorful festival in the world. While traditionally it was celebrated with dry Gulal and buckets of color water, unfortunately, today it comes with splashes of synthetic pigments. Aftereffects of which not only cause discomfort to our skin, hair, eyes but also can be hazardous to our health. Perhaps why a little precaution goes a long way.

Take cues from the best. And who better than skincare maven, Dr. Manju keshari  (KEMPS SKIN Clinic)who keeps takes you through every measure you ought to take before you celebrate holi.

Does :  

  • Cover most parts of your body to avoid direct contact from colors.
  • Apply cold cream or oil to your exposed body parts to protect from color.
  • Safeguard your eyes wear protective glasses
  • Never rub your face or your body forcibly to remove colors its harm your skin.
  • Apply oil to the length of your hair thoroughly.

Do not:
  • Do not go for Bleach4-5 days before and after holi
  • Do not apply  Mehndee 
  • Do not go for the Laser procedure 
  • Do not use Facial
  • Do not use Peeling
  • Do not use Hydroxide based product 

Use only herbal color and gulal. Consult your dermatologist if you face any kind of problem from color or gulal it’s important to protect your skin from any chemical reaction or allergy.

Saturday 9 March 2019

What is Acne (pimple) and its remedies?

Acne is primarily a hormonal condition driven by male or ‘androgenic’ hormones, which typically become active during the teenage years. Sensitivity to such hormones, combined with bacteria on the skin, and fatty acids within oil glands, cause acne. Common sites for acne are the face, chest, shoulders, and back -- the sites of oil glands.

Acne lesions include whiteheads, blackheads, small bumps, and nodules and cysts.

Pimples generally look like a pink spot or blemish on the skin. In genuine conditions, you can see the white release flooding out of a pimple.

Reasons for Acne (Pimples):    

  • Overutilization of makeup items on the face and deficient purifying of these items additionally makes pimples show up on the face and neck.
  • Pimples are for the most part caused amid adolescence and teenage when there is an expansion in the sex hormones and androgen.
  • Of the head, protector lashes Pressure on the face because of utilization et cetera can likewise cause pimples.
  • An excessive amount of utilization of oil and garbage nourishments likewise makes pimples effortlessly show up in adolescents.
  • Fluctuating hormone levels around the time of menses (women)
  • Manipulating (picking/prodding) acne lesions

Types of Acne(Pimples):
  • Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, do not break the surface of the skin.
  • Blackheads break the surface of the skin, which is why they are called open comedones. Their black appearance is not because of dirt but because of air reacting to the inside of a pimple.
  • Papules. These form when an infected skin pore or follicle is near the skin surface. Papules can be sensitive to the touch.
  • Pustules are similar to papules but are redder and contain pus.
  • Nodules are a type of hard pimple that can be large and painful. They form when an infected skin pore or follicle is located deep below the skin surface.
  • Cysts are found deep below the skin when a pus-filled membrane forms around the infection. They are likely to scar.

Indications of Acne (Pimples):
  • Pimples introduce themselves as raised heights of various sizes and shapes.
  • They might possibly contain liquid.
  • They indicate swelling or aggravation making the fundamental tissue red.
  • Regardless of influencing the face, different zones including chest and back might be also influenced

Treatment for Acne (Pimples): Treatment of acne is done by 2 types – Medicine and Hormonal therapy

Medicine: Only three types of drugs have proven to be effective for the treatment of acne – 
  • Antibiotics, 
  • Benzoyl peroxide, 
  • Retinoids. 

Most people require at least one or two agents, depending on the severity of their acne.

Hormonal therapy: Hormone therapy may be helpful for some women with acne, especially for those with signs and symptoms (irregular periods, thinning hair) of androgen (male hormone) excess. The hormone therapy consists of low-dose estrogen and progesterone (birth control pills) or anti-androgen medications (spironolactone).

  • Regularly washing the skin with gentle products may help.
  • Acne is typically caused by the skin producing excess oils and is not directly caused by poor hygiene.
  • However, keeping the skin and hair clean can reduce outbreaks and prevent all kinds of pimples from developing.
  • Regular washing. Use a gentle cleanser to keep the pores open, prevent the build-up of dead skin cells, and help keep bacteria at bay.
  • Wash hair regularly. Regular washing is especially important if hair is naturally oily. Keeping hair away from the skin on the face can help reduce the frequency and severity of pimples.
  • Avoid touching the face. Frequent touching can spread dirt or oil and cause flare-ups.
  • Choose products carefully. Always read the labels on make-up and facial products, opting for gentle, oil-free brands. These are sometimes called noncomedogenic.


Kemps Skin Clinic provides truly outstanding results for skin related issues. Skin irritation or pimples isn’t a noteworthy issue yet rather, if untreated it can break down. If you have irregular breakouts at that point, there isn’t much to pressure yet rather if you have an advancing breakout issue then you must consult your dermatologist

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Why Heavy makeup is not good for face skin

Makeup is a woman's best friend. It exists to brighten your day, boost your ego, and make you feel confident on days when you would otherwise choose to hide inside far from sight. Makeup has the ability to make your skin look better. It can hide blemishes, acne and visually lift your skin without undergoing any surgery.

Makeup is a powerful thing. Makeup is an everyday item for many people and non-negotiable for some. Is it bad for our skin? As always, the answer is not clear-cut and depends on the individual, their skin type, and the products they use. 

What does makeup do to our skin?

While in most cases makeup is harmless, certain products may cause problems for some individuals. It’s very important to use makeup and cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type or skin condition.

Skin types are classified into four types:
  • Oily Skin- Excess oil production, large pores, blackheads and acne prone
  • Sensitive Skin- Tight, stinging, intolerant to many products and prone to redness
  • Dry Skin - Dull, rough or flaky and prone to itchiness
  • Normal/Combination Skin- may be oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) but problem-free elsewhere

You’re Makeup Routine:

While makeup doesn’t necessarily cause acne, it can definitely play a role in your skin’s health and appearance. Many who struggle with acne use makeup to cover up dark marks, pimples, and scars, but could this practice be worsening your acne condition? Not necessarily, but use caution to ensure your cosmetic routine doesn’t affect your skin’s health

You don’t use the right cleansing products

If you have dry skin, make sure that all of your cleaning products are formulated for your skin type. Choose a cleanser with ceramides, natural lipids that help skin restore and maintain its natural protective barrier.

Remove Your Makeup

If you are wearing makeup regularly, the most important task is removing it before bed or before intensive bouts of sweating, especially before heading to the gym.

Dr. Manju Keshari, Dermatologist at KEMPS Skin Clinic says that first step of cleansing can help remove even the heaviest layers of makeup, leaving your skin clean and clear and ready for the second step of treatment. It helps your skin to breathe well.

Thursday 7 February 2019

Skin allergies in winter and its treatment

Many winter allergens or irritants can result in allergic rhinitis or hay fever as it is more commonly known. Allergic rhinitis occurs when the body's immune system overreacts to a certain substance.

Sometimes the immune system incorrectly identifies substances or even parts of the body as a threat, causing an allergic skin reaction to occur. Here is a breakdown of a number of skin allergies:

Eczema: Eczema occurs when the skin doesn't retain enough moisture and becomes dry, itchy and inflamed. The skin is also scaly and cracked. Eczema is commonly found in the creases of the arms and legs. This chronic skin allergy goes through periods of flare-ups and remissions. Many people are born with a skin condition as a result of genetics or develop it during early childhood. This may be due to exposure to harmful chemicals or allergens. While most children outgrow their eczema, some retain it throughout adulthood.

Dermatographia: Dermatographia or "skin writing", Occurs when the mast cells in the skin produce too much histamine. The histamine is released with any form of stimulation or pressure applied to the skin. What results is inflammation and itchiness of the skin? The reaction can be identified as white or red inflamed lines on the skin.

Hives: Similar to dermatographia, hives or urticaria is a skin allergy that produces raised wheels in the skin. These wheels may vary in size; they are accompanied by itchiness and commonly occur on the arms and legs. The body produces these hives when the mast cells of the skin produce too much histamine. However, when large amounts of chemicals are released by these cells to combat the allergen, fluid leaks into the bloodstream, which may cause anaphylaxis.

These are the common skin allergies occur in the winter season. You may consult your dermatologist which can help you in this matter. Dermatologist or skin specialist will examine your skin condition and advice your best treatment for it. KEMPS Skin Clinic Vaishali, Ghaziabad provides best skin care treatment for skin allergy. Dr.  Manju keshari is known dermatologist there, she is Hair care and skin specialist.

Thursday 31 January 2019

What is Vitiligo and how it’s treated?

Vitiligo is a condition that causes the skin to lose its color.  It affects between 0.2 percent and 1 percent of people around the world. It can occur in people of any race. It’s most noticeable, though, among people with dark skin, because the contrast between the normal skin tone and the white patches that have been affected by vitiligo is more pronounced. People with vitiligo experience color loss in various areas of exposed skin. Some may experience the discoloration in the mouth, in the hair on the scalp, or in their eyelashes or eyebrows.

Causes of Vitiligo: The cause of Vitiligo is not known. Vitiligo might be an immune system sickness. These diseases happen immune system mistakenly attacks some part of your own body. In vitiligo, the resistant system may destroy the melanocytes in the skin. Vitiligo is photosensitive; patients should avoid exposing the skin to direct sunlight for a prolonged period. It is likewise conceivable that at least one gene may make a person more prone to get the disorder.  

Symptoms of Vitiligo: White spots on the skin are the principal indication of vitiligo. These spots are more normal in areas where the skin is exposed to the sun. Initially, the vitiligo starts as a simple spot, a little paler than the rest of the skin. But gradually, as time passes, this spot will become much paler until it becomes white.
The spots might be on the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips. Other common areas for white patches are: 
  • The armpits and groin (where the leg meets the body) 
  • Around the mouth
  • Eyes
  • Nostrils
  • Navel
  • Genitals
  • Rectal areas.

Vitiligo Treatment: Many treatments are available to help restore skin color or even out skin tone. Results vary and are unpredictable. Some treatments have serious side effects. So your doctor may suggest that you first try improving the appearance of your skin by applying self-tanning products or makeup.
  • By Creams that control inflammation
  • Medications that affect the immune system
  • Removing the remaining color (depigmentation)
  • Skin grafting

KEMPS Skin Clinic offer Vitiligo treatment as its staff is proficient in skin related issue and treatment. KEMPS Skin Clinic is a leading skin Care clinic in DELHI/NCR located in Vaishali. It is easily reachable by Road and metro services. KEMPS Clinic equipped with the latest equipment and treatment services related to skin problem.

Friday 28 December 2018

What is fruit peel and how it is beneficial for skin?

Fruit peel is a natural resource for the nourishment of the skin. We daily eat fruit and know that it is full of nutrition. Eating fruits is one of the tastiest parts of healthy living. But when you’re left with a pile of peels, it’s tempting to head toward the compost. Not so fast, though! Those leftover peels have mind-blowing uses for your skin. These fruit peel uses will also be a game changer for your health. You’ll be dealing with less chemicals, preservatives, and mysterious ingredients. Finally, you can wave goodbye to expensive products.

Fruit peel is a source of proteins and vitamins that benefit your skin in several ways. It helps to give you a radiant as well as glowing complexion easily. With fruit peels being so beneficial, you could also use the same in preparing different fruit peel masks for the skin.

Due to a lot of nutrients available in the fruit peels, these can help to give long-lasting positive benefits on the skin. From banana to peer and pomegranate, all these fruit peels are extremely beneficial for your skin.

Type of fruit peels: 

1-Banana Peel: Banana peel can help to benefit your skin in several ways. Due to a large number of vitamins and proteins present in the banana peel, it can do wonders for your complexion and also treat several skin problems. You can try rubbing a banana peel on your skin twice a day to notice radiant and glowing skin. Also, the banana peel can be dried under the sun, ground into a powder, mixed with yogurt and then used as a face mask. Try this mask weekly twice to notice effective results.

2- Pear Peel: Peer peel can help to give you clear and glowing skin. It has rich fiber content so it can help to promote collagen production on the skin. It also helps to prevent an appearance of acne and blemishes on the face. The best way to use the peel of pear is to boil it in water and use this water on your skin once the water has cooled down. Pear water can be used as a toner, as it helps to treat hyperpigmented skin.

3- Orange and Lemon Peels: Using orange and lemon peels remove acne. Their extracts have the same abilities as antibiotics so these can fight pimple-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. You’ll be less prone to breakouts, without having to use harsh acne medication.

4-Papaya Peel: Papaya peel can help to boost the production of collagen, thus giving you healthy and glowing skin. Take some papaya peel and scrub your face with this. You can also use papaya peel mask to rejuvenate your dull and dry skin. Take papaya peel and grind it to make a paste.

For fruit peel its essential to know your skin type and which peel suites you most, for that you may consult your dermatologist says by Dr. Manju Keshri, Skin specialist and dermatologist at KEMPS skin Clinic, Vaishali .

Monday 10 December 2018

What is psoriasis and how is it treated?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the development of skin cells. This development causes harsh patches that are regularly layered, red, and aroused. Psoriasis can influence any part of the body, yet it most generally creates behind the elbows and knees, and additionally the scalp, back, face, palms, and feet.

Psoriasis Symptoms:

Psoriasis may appear anywhere on the body but will often affect the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back. For some people, psoriasis appears as a few spots of dandruff-like scaling that is more of a nuisance than anything else. In other people, it is a severe condition that is painful, disfiguring, and disabling.

There are a few ways of knowing that the skin disease you have is psoriasis. Here are the common symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Enlarged red bumps
  • Scaly skin
  • Bleeding on the expulsion of flaky skin 
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Oil spots near the nail bed
  • Nail thickening and lifting
  • Itchiness
  • Sensitive skin
  • Blood spots caused by the removal of the dry, scaly areas

 Psoriasis Treatment

If you suffer from above symptoms you may have psoriasis and you may talk to your dermatologist or skin specialist for its treatment
  • Causes your discomfort and pain
  • Makes performing routine tasks difficult
  • Causes you concern about the appearance of your skin
  • Leads to joint problems, such as pain, swelling or inability to perform daily tasks

Treatments are determined by the type and severity of your psoriasis, and the area of skin affected. Your doctor will probably start with a mild treatment, such as topical creams applied to the skin, and then move on to stronger treatments if necessary.

A wide range of treatments are available for psoriasis, but identifying the most effective one can be difficult. Our doctors will advise you for the best treatment.

3 type of Treatments done in Psoriasis:

1. Topicals (creams and ointments applied to your skin) - One of the most common treatment options, topicals, are usually the first medication your doctor will prescribe after you’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis. They come in different forms, like creams, ointments, gels, or foam. 

2. Phototherapy (your skin is exposed to certain types of ultraviolet light) - Phototherapy, also known as light therapy, also works on the surface of your skin. Using special lamps that shine UV rays directly onto your plaques can slow down the growth of affected skin cells.

3. Systemics (oral and injected medications that work throughout the entire body) - This type of treatment works throughout the body. For example, this type of treatment can be taken orally or by injection.

KEMPS Skin clinic offer a treatment for Psoriasis. You may contact and book a prior appointment for Psoriasis treatment at Clinic.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Food that helps to glow skin in Winter Season

Broccoli:  Broccoli is a vegetable which is a natural source of glucoraphanin, which is known for its skin regenerative properties. It also boasts collagen-building vitamin C as well as vitamin E, which protects against cellular damage, and vitamin B, which gives skin that enviable glow. Broccoli also happens to be a potent food that fights cancer. 

Spinach:   Spinach is considered a superfood for good reason. In addition to its nutritional value, spinach has health-promoting and disease-preventing properties. It’s not only rich in antioxidants and iron, but it’s also a good source of folate—a B vitamin that promotes cellular repair and can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Salmon:  Salmon is another all-around superfood with proven skin benefits. Salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids that keep your complexion supple and moisturized. It’s also a good source of selenium, which helps protect the skin against oxidative damage, improves elasticity, and reduces inflammation, which is especially beneficial for those struggling with acne. If you have complexion trouble, try these home remedies for acne.

Almonds: Almonds are rich in Vitamin-E and anti-oxidants. You must soak 5 almonds every night and eat them the next day after peeling off their skin to extract maximum benefits. Also, you can give yourself a nice face massage with almond oil every night and spread the glow!

Grapefruit: Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin C, one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. When it comes to your skin, vitamin C helps brighten and even out your skin tone.

Carrots: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and lycopene that protect skin from UV damage. Although the sun is not too bright in winters, UV rays are still present all around us. Carrots are also packed with Vitamin A, potassium and anti-oxidants that keep dry skin and uneven skin tone issues at bay. Aim to drink a glass of Carrot + Beetroot + Orange + Amla + Lemon Juice every day to up your fight against the dull skin.

Dark Chocolate:  Just the name brings a wide smile on your face! Dark chocolate is rich in flavonols that fight UV damage, free radicals and aid blood circulation while impacting your brain chemistry to good. Don’t hesitate to grab a cup of hot chocolate however made with dark chocolate. 

Also, winter season requires a lot of skin care. So when you required any expert advice related to skin care you may contact Dr. Manju keshri, (Senior Dermatologist), KEMPS Skin Clinic, Vaishali.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

What is skin Allergies and how to take care of it?

skin Allergies may be especially common on the face because the skin is more sensitive than elsewhere, and because of various face creams and other products people use on their faces. Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, you’ve probably still experienced a skin reaction. Maybe you were so excited to try a new product that you forgot to do a patch test and ended up breaking out in an itchy, red rash. Sensitive skin sufferers experience irritated skin regularly.
Mostly 2 types of Reaction you may feel on skin: 

1. Irritation:-  Irritant is the most common skin reaction to a beauty product. It can cause burning, stinging, itching, and redness in the area where you apply the product. If your skin is dry or injured, it loses some of its natural protection against irritants. This means reactions can be harsher or happen more easily.  

2. Skin allergies (allergic contact dermatitis). Sensitivity or a true allergy to a specific ingredient in the product causes redness, swelling, itching, or blisters on the skin. Fragrances and preservatives are some of the biggest culprits.

First things to do after skin allergies:

Use aloe vera: As soon as you notice a reaction, reach for an anti-inflammatory cream that contains 0.5% hydrocortisone. Mix it with equal parts aloe vera gel and apply twice daily to the affected area. Hydrocortisone soothes inflammation while aloe vera cools and hydrates, providing immediate relief for hot, itchy skin.

Use ice cubes: Use the ice! Gently rub the rashy area with an ice cube to reduce inflammation and slightly numb the skin. The cold will help reduce redness, swelling, and discomfort.

Contact Skin experts (Dermatologist):  After doing above to steps call your Skin experts (Dermatologist) and make an appointment for the skin test and consultation. It will help you to know your skin and proper treatment of skin reaction.

Basic steps to avoid skin allergies :

1. Check the label:  Look for products with their expiry first, Do not buy product near to expiry date
2. Do a patch test first:  Before you start to use a new product, place a small amount on the inside of your elbow and wait 48 to 72 hours. If you notice no redness, swelling, itching, or burning on that spot, it’s OK for you to use.
3. Spritz on clothes:  Use the fragrance on your clothes, not your skin. You’ll be less likely to have a skin reaction to it. It also helps prevent the fragrance from having a bad reaction with other products you use.
5. Stop using if feel:  If your skin reacts badly to a beauty product, stop using it immediately. You can sometimes use an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to help ease inflammation. In some cases, you might need a prescription-strength cream.
Always care full about brands you use and check expiry of beauty products. Nowadays fake beauty products are also in the market which looks the same as original but cheaper than original products so please don’t buy cheap beauty product and try to buy herbal beauty products for use.

KEMPS skin clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad is doing a routine skin test and Consultation camps in a different location in Delhi /NCR. You may contact them for the skin test and basic consultation this clinic is famous for its laser treatments

Friday 26 October 2018

What is Skin pigmentation and how it can be treated

Abnormal discoloring of the skin is called Pigmentation. Your skin color is totally based upon the skin cells and melanin is the substance that is produced by these skin cells. Damaged and unhealthy cells affect the production of melanin and cause pigmentation & patchy skin.

Skin pigmentation issues can be medically treated through a number of different procedures that may either fade or erase dark or light areas. People of any skin type or tone can suffer from a number of skin pigmentation issues that cause discoloration, dark spots on face, irregular pigmentation, and extreme freckling. While some of these issues are genetic, others can be caused by environmental factors or when the body produces too much melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin its color.

How is skin pigmentation disorders treated?  

Some cases of skin discoloration are curable, while others can be alleviated with consistent treatment. The most common treatments that our dermatologists will recommend are topical creams, pills, and in some cases, laser therapy but it may take some time for the results to show.

The different types of pigmentation problems
  • Lentigo, is also called age spots if it is mainly due to the intrinsic aging of the skin, or solar lentigo if it is caused by regular and considerable sun exposure.
  • Melasma, generally due to hormone imbalances. This can occur when taking certain medicines or can be caused by sun exposure during pregnancy when no protection is worn. This is called pregnancy mask.
  • Ephelides also called Liver spots, 
  • Post-inflammatory pigmentation, following an acne spot for example. The mark is then due to an excess of melanin produced by the inflammation.

What are the causes of skin pigmentation?

There are many factors contributing to pigmentation. Here’s the list of few prominent factors:
  • Due to excessive exposure to the sun
  • Allergic reaction
  • Hormonal changes
  • Facial hair removal in an appropriate way
  • Excessive exposure to the sun.
  • Skin damage from the injury.
  • Improper hair removal.
  • Genetic predisposition.

How to Treat Pigmentation Disorders?

The most common treatments that our dermatologists will recommend are topical creams, pills, and in some cases, laser therapy, Just as how micro-needling can promote that youthful glow to your skin, pigmentation treatments help maintain beautiful skin by removing your dark spots.

Dr. Manju Keshari at KEMPS Skin Clinic at Vaishali, Ghaziabad is a Skin Specialist Doctor will help evaluate the extent of pigmentation disorder through skin treatment in Ghaziabad by visual examination first, and based on the result, Pigmentation treatment is advised. This treatment is quite common now and safe and inexpensive too. 

Saturday 20 October 2018

What is MICRODERMABRASION? How it’s beneficial for skin?

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that uses tiny crystals or other exfoliating surfaces to help remove the superficial layer of dead skin cells. Microdermabrasion is one of those cosmetic procedures that most people have heard of, but don't really know much about. Even if your skin-obsessed friend swears by it, or you've seen it listed on spa menus, the procedure is still one of those best discussed with a dermatologist.

Does microdermabrasion work? 

It is a good question its depending on how many treatments you have, you’ll notice a change in the clarity, elasticity, and texture of your skin. Most dermatologists recommend around every four weeks. And the best results are usually seen by people in the early stages of ageing, between 35 and 50.

What It Can Do for Your Skin

Its show effect after first sitting, because it deeply exfoliates, microdermabrasion will improve the tone and texture of your skin. you'll notice your skin feels smoother and your complexion looks great and healthier.

If you have a multiple session of treatment (which is what is recommended) you should notice your skin tone evening out. You may even see a softening of fine lines and superficial wrinkles. Microdermabrasion can also help fight sun damage.

Types and benefits of Microdermabrasion:

There are two types of microdermabrasion,
  • Crystal microdermabrasion blasts tiny medical-grade crystals across the skin’s surface.
  • Non-crystal microdermabrasion uses a rough or diamond-tipped disc to slough the skin.

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion
  • Softening of lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces age spots and other forms of hyperpigmentation;
  • Increases the skin’s receptiveness to other skincare products;
  • Improves the appearance skin
  • It reduces fine lines and wrinkles thus slowing the aging process
  • It helps in refining the skin texture and giving it a seamless and smooth touch
  • It helps in stimulating circulation and skin renewal, thus making the skin look much healthier
  • It helps in improving conditions such as clogged pores, acne, and scarring and sun damage

There are still many benefits attached to Microdermabrasion and doing it on a regular basis can help in keeping our skin more hydrated and clear-looking. Apart from that, it can help in achieving short-term skin goals but for long-term better results, it is always advisable to visit or consult our dermatologist Dr. Manju Keshari at KEMPS Skin clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad.