Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Collagen and how does it keep your skin healthy?

Collagen is the most abundant structural protein found in our bodies and our skin. It’s literally the glue that holds us together. It acts as the foundation for your bones, teeth, muscles, skin, and pretty much all other connective tissues. Collagen makes up more than one-third of your total protein and works to firm your skin and strengthen your bones.

Collagen is rich in the amino acids or building blocks otherwise known as - glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline - that help your body to make new collagen. There are at least 28 different types of collagen but types I, II, and III form around 80-90% of the collagen found in your body. 

Types I and III - provide structure to your skin, muscles and ligaments.
Type II - is found in cartilage and the eyes. 

The type of collagen that keeps you looking youthful is found in the middle layer (dermis) and makes up nearly 80% of your skin. It works together with elastin to strengthen the skin and help it snap back into place when stretched. Think of it like a tightly coiled spring mattress that gets saggy with age and use.

What Are the Benefits of Collagen for Your Body?

The protein has a big job in the body. “Collagen gives body tissues structure, toughness, rigidity, and texture. In the skin, it’s akin to a layer of leather. And when it intermingles with elastic fibers, it gives skin strength and resilience.

When collagen begins to degrade in the skin and levels of it drop in the body, you may notice wrinkles, stiffer tendons and ligaments, weaker muscles, joint pain, and even GI problems, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

 It’s clear that collagen is vital for the health of every system in your body. Within the skin, taking up to 10 grams (g) of collagen peptides per day can help improve skin elasticity, hydration, and collagen density.

What’s more, a review in the journal Antioxidants in February 2020 notes that taking hydrolyzed collagen also can protect against UV-induced melasma, a skin problem marked by patches of discoloration on the face, potentially thanks to its antioxidant effects.

Nutrients that increase collagen production

·         All collagen starts off as procollagen.

·         Your body makes procollagen by combining two amino acids — glycine and proline. This process uses vitamin C.

·         You may be able to help your body produce this important protein by making sure you get plenty of the following nutrients:

·         Vitamin C. Large amounts are found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries .

·         Proline. Large amounts are found in egg whites, wheat germ, dairy products, cabbage, asparagus, and mushrooms .

·         Glycine. Large amounts are found in pork skin, chicken skin, and gelatin, but glycine is also found in various protein-containing foods .

·         Copper. Large amounts are found in organ meats, sesame seeds, cocoa powder, cashews, and lentils .

In addition, your body needs high quality protein that contains the amino acids needed to make new proteins. Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, legumes, and tofu are all excellent sources of amino acids.

For any skin and hair care related query or know more about Collagen you may contact to KEMPS skin clinic, Vaishali, Ghaziabad. It is the most advance skin care clinic in Ghaziabad.

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Anti-ageing cause and treatment

 Ageing is an ongoing process. Sunlight, stress, unhealthy eating habits and environment all add years to our body and face. So, we can age gracefully by cosmetic procedures which not only turn back the clock but make us look graceful and in tune with our fast pacing life. These are called proactive ant ageing procedures which give instant results without downtime. They can be done as office procedures without any surgery and are safe and effective.

What Are The Early Signs Of Aging?

The earliest signs of aging are fine lines and wrinkles. Fine lines can appear from as early as our 20s. In our 30s, the lines caused due to our facial expressions such as laugh lines or frown lines start to deepen. In our 40s, the skin starts to sag more and loses its tight and supple qualities.

Age spots  also start to appear with photo aging. These are flat, brown spots mostly seen on the back of the hands, the face, arms and feet. Usually, they are more visible on lighter skinned people. Dry skin, due to reduced production of natural oils, is also a sign of aging besides dull and itchy skin.

Skin Care Routine For Aging Skin

A cleansing, toning and moisturising routine is a must. Use sunscreen and anti aging creams to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can even opt for products with natural oils such as apricot oil to reduce wrinkles. Use an under-eye cream to get rid of fine lines and dark circles.

Best Foods That Slow Down Aging Process

Maintain a diet that is rich in complex carbohydrates like whole grains, leafy green vegetables and fruits, low fat dairy products and lean meats. You can also include oral supplements that have antioxidants like Vitamin C. 

Anti Aging Tips

·         To look and feel younger, avoid stress which can increase the presence of oxidants in your skin, making you look older.

·         Meditation, yoga, regular exercise, adequate sleep and rest are a must for looking younger.

·         Stay out of the sun or use sunscreen every time you step out.

·         Opt for regular salon treatments like facials, hydration masks and exfoliation for younger looking skin.

·         Wear protective clothing that covers your skin from the sun and limits your exposure to harsh sunlight.

What Are The Effects Of Aging?

Slowing down, grey hair, wrinkles, stiffness and slower brain function are some of the effects of aging. Also, environmental exposure damages our DNA; the lack of sufficient antioxidants to undo the damage leads to oxidative stress and premature aging.

Like with everything else, if you are mindful of what you eat and apply on the skin, the aging process can be slowed down. Exercises and supplements can even help reverse it to a certain extent naturally. For younger skin, there are also several cosmetic options that can be done. Contact KEMPS Skin Clinic to know the best solution for Anti-ageing.

Friday, 18 December 2020

विटिलिगो क्या है?

विटिलिगो एक बीमारी है जो शरीर के कुछ क्षेत्रों में त्वचा के मेलानोसाइट्स के खंडन के कारण होती है। इस बीमारी से पीड़ित मरीजों को शरीर के किसी भी स्थान पर त्वचा पर छोटे सफेद धब्बे दिखाई देते हैं। विटिलिगो एक क्षेत्र में स्थानीयकृत और फोकल हो सकता है, या यह शरीर पर विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में पाया जा सकता है।

विटिलिगो एक त्वचा संबंधी स्थिति है जो शरीर के कई हिस्सों पर त्वचा के सफेद पैच की विशेषता होती है। यह हालत मेलानोसाइट्स के विनाश के कारण होती है जो कोशिकाएं त्वचा रंजकता के लिए जिम्मेदार होती हैं। यह ऑटोइम्यून थायरॉयड रोग के कारण भी हो सकता है।

हालत एक या दो धब्बों के साथ हल्के हो सकते हैं या त्वचा के बड़े क्षेत्रों में अपच के साथ गंभीर हो सकते हैं। यह ऑटोइम्यून विकारों वाले लोगों में आम है, संक्रामक नहीं है, और प्रभावित व्यक्तियों में हमेशा प्रगतिशील नहीं होता है। विटिलिगो एक दीर्घकालिक त्वचा की स्थिति है जिसे ठीक नहीं किया जा सकता है।

हालांकि, इस बीमारी के लिए विशेषज्ञयों की राय यह भी होती हैं, कि संबंधित चिकित्सा स्थितियों की वजह से भी विटिलिगो हो सकता है, जैसे कि थायरॉयड ग्रंथि की शिथिलता।

·       विटिलिगो के लक्षण क्या हैं?

·         त्वचा पर सफेद धब्बे ज्यादातर पैर, चेहरे, हाथ, होंठ और कई जगहों पर होते हैं।

·         सूर्य के प्रकाश के प्रति संवेदनशीलता

·         भावनात्मक और मनोवैज्ञानिक संकट

·         नाभि, आर्मपिट, कमर, जननांगों और मलाशय क्षेत्र के पास छोटे सफेद धब्बे

विटिलिगो के विभिन्न प्रकार क्या हैं

विटिलिगो को दो प्रकारों में वर्गीकृत किया गया है:

·         सेगमेंटल विटिलिगो: यह कम कॉमन होता है और प्रारंभिक आयु समूहों में अधिक देखा जाता है। इस प्रकार का विटिलिगो नॉन-सममित है। नॉन-सेगमेंटल विटिलिगो 90 प्रतिशत प्रभावित व्यक्तियों में होता है और यह सममित होता है और नियमित रूप से सूर्य के संपर्क में आने वाले क्षेत्रों में अधिक आम है।

·         नॉन-सेगमेंटल विटिलिगो: जबकि नॉन-सेगमेंटल विटिलिगो सामयिक उपचारों का प्रतिक्रिया नहीं दे सकता है, अधिक स्थिर और कम अनियमित सेगमेंटल विटिलिगो सामयिक उपचारों के लिए काफी अच्छी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया करता है।

विटिलिगो के लिए सबसे अच्छा इलाज क्या होता है?

त्वचा के रंग को बहाल करने के लिए कई उपचार उपलब्ध हैं। लेकिन परिणाम विभिन्न परिस्थितियों में अलग-अलग होते हैं और कभी-कभी अप्रत्याशित होते हैं। उपचार में से कुछ के विभिन्न दुष्प्रभाव हो सकते हैं और यदि आपके डॉक्टर ने आपको कोई दवा, सर्जरी या चिकित्सा निर्धारित की है, तो इसकी प्रभावशीलता को दिखाने के लिए प्रक्रिया में महीनों का समय लगता है। यदि उपचार सफल होता है, तो पैच भी वापस आ सकते हैं या नए पैच फिर से प्रकट हो सकते हैं। ।

ऐसी कोई दवाएं नहीं हैं जो विटिलिगो का इलाज कर सकती हैं या मेलानोसाइट्स नामक वर्णक कोशिकाओं को वापस ला सकती हैं। लेकिन कुछ क्रीमों का उपयोग करके या हल्की चिकित्सा करके त्वचा की टोन को लाया जा सकता है।

स्किन टोन रिस्टोरेशन

·         सूजन को नियंत्रित करने वाली क्रीम:

स्किन टोन में वापस रंग लाने के लिए बीमारी की शुरुआत में कॉर्टिकोस्टेरॉइड क्रीम लगाई जा सकती है। इस प्रक्रिया में समय लगता है और कई महीनों तक त्वचा के रंग में कोई बदलाव नहीं हो सकता है। त्वचा पर कोई दुष्प्रभाव हो सकता है जैसे त्वचा का पतला होना या रेखाओं का दिखना।

·         प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को प्रभावित करने वाली दवाएं:

क्रीम या मरहम जिसमें टैक्रोलिमस या पिमक्रोलिमस होते हैं, जैसे छोटे क्षेत्र के पैच के लिए प्रभावी हो सकते हैं और विशेष रूप से चेहरे और गर्दन के लिए प्रभावी होते हैं।


·         काश और सोरोलें संयोजन:

यह वह उपचार है जो प्रकाश थेरेपी के साथ पौधे से निकाले गए पदार्थों को मिलाता है जो पैच को रंग प्रदान करता है। इसे त्वचा पर लगाने से या इसे मुंह से लेने के बाद सोरोलें पराबैंगनी किरणों (UVA या UVB) के संपर्क में आ जाते हैं, जिससे दवा बेहतर परिणाम देती है।

·         डी पिगमेंटेशन

यदि विटिलिगो व्यापक होता है तो यह उपचार उपयोगी है। डी पिगमेंटेशन के लिए एजेंट त्वचा के पिगमेंटेड क्षेत्र पर लागू होता है जो फिर धीरे-धीरे चमकता है और त्वचा के साथ खिलता है। यह 9 महीने के लिए किया जाता है और इस समय अवधि में एक या दो बार दोहराया जाना चाहिए। इसके सूजन, खुजली, जलन, लालिमा और शुष्क त्वचा जैसे दुष्प्रभाव हो सकते हैं। डॉ मंजू केशरी जो की एक स्किन विशेषज्ञ हैं कहती है की उपचार द्वारा बहुत हद तक विटिलिगो का दिखना कम किया जा सकता है ।

Friday, 4 December 2020

Dry skin care in winters

 Winter is here and as temperatures drop around the country, people are seen pulling out thick blankets and quilts, as well as loading their refrigerators with seasonal vegetables and fruits. The cold weather changes the body in numerous ways. It makes your body vulnerable to a number of diseases, viruses and bacteria, as well as a variety of skin and hair problems as well. The most apparent effect of cold weather is on the skin and the scalp. 

A cup of hot chocolate might be the perfect way to keep oneself warm during the chilly winter season, but it is not only our bodies, our skin also needs a lot more love during the season. Dry, flaky skin is one of the most common skin issues in winters, no matter one’s skin type. The winter air is already dry and indoor heating systems only make it worse by stripping the skin of the moisture from its uppermost layer.

“Your skincare routine doesn’t have to be too complicated or have too many products in it to work. It’s about balancing what you’re putting on your skin and nourishing your body from the inside. Make sure you’re consistently following your skincare routine regardless of how minimal or elaborate it might be.

Some tips for care Dryskin In winter: 

·    Avoid over-washing your face. It’s the dry season already and washing your face too many times is only going to be counterproductive. Keep it to two gentle cleanses a day, or as instructed by your dermatologist.

·      Switch your hot water shower with lukewarm water and reduce your bath time. Long hot showers strip away natural oils from your skin making it even drier.

·      Follow your cleansing routine with a thicker moisturiser and use serums and/or facial oils.

·       A five-minute background check on facial oils will be a game-changer. Choose oils that provide hydration without clogging pores. Avocado and safflower oils can be a great addition in your routine.

·       Moisturise your body just as you moisturise your face. Moisturising shower gels are a great option and should be followed by a body lotion/body butter depending on how dry your skin gets.

·       Drink a lot of water, and eat well (leafy greens, pomegranate, eggs etc). If you’re not nourishing and hydrating your body from the inside, skincare products won’t be able to help you on their own.

·       Mixing facial oil/moisturiser with your foundation can really help keep your makeup in place without drying your skin out.

·       Use ghee on dry-chapped lips. “I use it as an overnight lip mask and wake up to healthy, hydrated, and supple lips. The fatty acids in it help condition and nourish,” Says By Dermatologist.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

What is a Hydrafacial & What Are the Benefits?

Everyone wants smooth, bright, and youthful-looking skin. Instead of spending a fortune on oils, creams, essences, and serums in a multistep skin-care routine, you may be able to achieve a natural glow with a facial that some say is rising in popularity.

Hydrafacials have become the facial spa care routine of choice because they are non-invasive yet effective and can be used for almost any skin condition and on any type of skin. Hydrafacial treatments are far less invasive than traditional facials such as chemical peels or laser resurfacing which leave your skin red and irritated for hours to days after treatment. Because of the noninvasiveness and effectiveness of the treatment, Hydrafacials are a great choice for teens as well as adults.

“The Hydrafacial is a multistep facial treatment typically performed with a proprietary machine (Hydrafacial MD) manufactured by Edge Systems.

It’s become an in-demand service because it creates an instant “wow factor” in terms of brightening and firming skin, says Dr. Manju Keshari Dermatologist at KEMPS Skin Clinic Ghaziabad. People can get the treatment before a big event or regularly to maintain skin health, she adds.

How Does a Hydra Facial Work Exactly?

The Hydrafacial is similar to another treatment called microdermabrasion, says Dr.  Manju. Microdermabrasion uses a “mildly abrasive instrument to gently sand your skin, removing the thicker, uneven outer layer’.

That said, it’s not exactly microdermabrasion, and some people say it’s far better. “The [Hydrafacial] device uses an exfoliating tip paired with suction to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your face,” says Dr. manju. As skin is exfoliated, serums are infused into the skin, she says. That last step is the key reason proponents say it’s so effective.

A HydraFacial includes 4 facial treatments rolled into one session: cleansing and exfoliating, a gentle chemical peel, vacuum suction extraction, and a hydrating serum. These steps are delivered using a patented HydraFacial device (which looks like a large rolling cart with hoses and a wand with detachable heads). Unlike traditional facial treatments that can have different effects depending on your skin type and aesthetician, the Hydrafacial provides consistent results and can be used on all skin types.

The cleansing, exfoliation, chemical peel, collagen building, and facial muscle relaxing provided by a HydraFacial helps treat many of the beauty issues individuals experience today, including large pores, wrinkles, breakouts, and thinning skin.

HydraFacial treatments are often used in conjunction with LED light therapy. Blue light can help with acne while red light can help reduce the visibility of wrinkles.

What are the Benefits of HydraFacials?

Hydrafacials are a gentle yet effective alternative to harsher facial treatments. Here are some of the reasons people love this spa treatment:

·         Works on all skin types. Whether you have sensitive skin or acne, dry or oily skin, the Hydrafacial will work for you.

·        Consistent outcomes. Since much of the treatment is controlled by the Hydrafacial technology, you can achieve a consistently high-quality treatment every time.

·         No downtime. Another reason people love the Hydrafacial is that there is no downtime. You can even apply makeup that same day if you’d like to—though most people enjoy the glow from the treatment too much to cover it up.

·         Immediate results. Because the treatment is noninvasive, you can see positive results right away. We even recommend it before weddings or events for a luminous, healthy glow.

For more information and consultation regarding Hydrafacial you may contact to KEMPS Skin clinic. It is the most Advance Skin Care Clinic in Ghaziabad

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Laser Hair Removal on Face is Safe or not?

No one wants unwanted hair on the face so to remove them permanently, you must go for laser treatment. The benefit of laser hair removal is that it reduces the hair safely and permanently, thus boosting your self-confidence and prevents irritation. But always keep in mind that you should get your laser treatment from a certified dermatologist to avoid any harm on your face.

It doesn’t matter if you are male or female for removing facial hair. There is the availability of both male and female laser facial hair removers. The face is the place which has to bear everybody’s focus. It’s not just women who need laser facial hair remover but also men. If you have hair on your face, it decreases your confidence level. To boost your confidence everywhere, you must go for laser facial hair remover.

The laser treatment is discreet enough to get you to the perfect level of smoothness and helps you to sweep your facial insecurities. Common treatment areas for women are upper lips, cheeks, chin, and sideburns while men are neckline, beard, and back of the neck. Laser hair removal treatment is not only for females but also males. You can get this treatment irrespective of your gender.

Solution to PCOS

The female facial hair growth is always thin but in some conditions like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) can cause thick hair to grow on faces of females. In such a situation, waxing, tweezing and shaving is not asolution because these tools cause the hair to grow even thicker than usual. If you want to get rid of these thick hairs, get the laser treatment. Everyone has different medical or other problems but regardless of any type of problem, laser hair removal treatment is the best solution for facial hair removal.

Instructions to Prepare for Facial Laser Hair Removal

When you decide your dermatologist from whom you will get the treatment, you will go for getting the instructions to prepare for the treatment. These instructions are:

1) Staying Away from Sun

You must stay away from direct sunlight in order to protect the hair follicles of your face. Avoid the sunlight, six weeks before the laser hair removal treatment. Try to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily so that your skin remains smooth. Don’t use the sunless skin creams because it will harm your facial skin.

2) Avoiding Other Methods of Hair Removal

It’s always wrong to use different methods of hair removal simultaneously on your skin. Skincare is very important. Electrolysis, plucking, waxing can disturb the hair follicles. They should be avoided almost 4 weeks before the treatment.

3) Trimming

Trimming is a must before the laser hair removal treatment as it cleans the hair from your face. Trimming is preferable before getting treatment as hair is removed from your face and it is good for treatment. Follicles can be easily seen if there is no hair on your targeted area for treatment.

4) Avoiding Blood-Thinning Medicines

Don’t use any blood-thinning medicines or tablets before getting ready for the treatment. It is better to ask your doctor or dermatologist as what kind of medications such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory should be avoided before taking the treatment.

Laser Facial Hair Remover’s Pain

Everyone is afraid of something and some are afraid of pain. The pain depends upon the body part, from where you want to remove unwanted hair. As the face is the sensitive area of your skin so the pain will be a little bit more than the other body parts. If you have a scale of 1-10 for measuring the pain (10 being the worst), then the pain of laser facial hair remover will lie between 2 to 8. The pain also depends on the thickness of your facial skin. Men feel little pain while getting laser treatment than women as their facial skin is hard. The upper lips are the most painful area for this treatment, but it doesn’t mean that it is not bearable. If you can bear the pain of wax on your face then the pain of laser is just nothing in comparison.

In short, laser hair removal on your face can be costly but it is effective for getting rid of your facial hairs. Don’t expect to get rid of this facial hair in just one session. Be prepared for about 6 treatments as these are normal. Facial laser hair removal does not work for everyone based on their tone of skin and hair. One must consult a dermatologist before getting the facial laser hair treatment so as to discuss all the important things that you need to know before the treatment.

Are you interested in laser hair removal on your face? Contact KEMPS SKIN CLINIC today for a free consultation!

Friday, 6 November 2020

How do Treat Under Eye Bags

Bags under eyes are usually a cosmetic concern and don't require specific treatment. Home and lifestyle treatments may help reduce or eliminate puffy eyes.

Medical and surgical treatments are available if you're concerned about the appearance of under-eye swelling. Treatment may not be covered by medical insurance if it's done solely to improve your appearance.

Do you have bags under your eyes? Ultherapy is a non-surgical treatment using ultrasound waves to tighten the skin and is one of the only treatments safe enough to be used under the eyes. The treatment can tighten skin that has become lax and can also reduce and eliminate aging signs. The treatment has numerous benefits and advantages over other surgical and non-surgical treatments. If you have questions about this treatment, contact KEMPS SKIN CLINIC for more information.

What Is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a skin tightening treatment that uses ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen production. The treatment device was developed by Merz Aesthetics and has been used in over 1.5 million treatments worldwide. Ultrasound therapy has been FDA cleared to tighten skin without invasive surgery. You can get tight and rejuvenated skin without pain, bleeding, and bruising.

The Ultherapy treatment results are also long-lasting and more effective than treatments that only stimulate collagen on the surface of the skin. Ultrasound therapy uses safe ultrasound waves that are comparable to the waves used in ultrasound scans. The technology has been safely used in medical applications for over 50 years.

How Does It Work?

Ultrasound therapy begins with a consultation from our team at KEMPS SKIN CLINIC. We will help you understand what to expect from the treatment and how many sessions you might need to reach your goal. We will also identify any health risks that might prevent you from undergoing treatment. After your consultation, we can plan a treatment session if ultrasound is determined to be safe and beneficial for your skin.

Ultrasound therapy is administered by a trained specialist and utilizes ultrasound scanning to identify the best areas to target to induce collagen. The targeted areas experience an increase in collagen production at various depths in the skin to rebuild and lift the skin. Collagen is a substance naturally found in the skin that keeps your skin healthy and smooth, but as you age, your skin’s collagen production slows. The loss of collagen allows the skin to become lax, forming lines, wrinkles, and creases. The restored collagen from the ultrasound waves tightens the skin and makes it appear healthier and younger.