Tuesday 4 May 2021


As Skin Health Experts, we treat clients with hyperpigmentation and dark spot concerns in our clinics every day. If you’ve been looking for a solution to hyperpigmentation, sun spots, dark spots, or other skin pigmentation issues, we’re here to help. In this blog, we share some of the main causes and top solutions. If you've noticed more dark spots appearing on your skin lately and wonder what’s causing them, keep reading as we discuss what causes hyperpigmentation in the first place and how to brighten dark spots on the face.

The Main Causes : 

Dark, fair, oily, or dry - no matter what skin type you have, dark spots can happen. If you're wondering what causes these spots to darken over time, it can all be traced back to one thing - melanin. Everyone's skin contains an amount of melanin - a pigment produced by your skin cells. Melanin acts as a form of protection for skin and hyperpigmentation forms when your skin has excessive amounts of it . This overload of melanin creates spots and patches that are darker in appearance than the surrounding skin, which can lead to skin discoloration and uneven skin tone. While hyperpigmentation can affect anyone, darker skin tones seem to be more susceptible to it. If hyperpigmentation has become an issue for you, here are three main reasons why it may be happening:

1: Too Much Sun Exposure

The leading cause of dark spots is sun damage. When your skin comes in contact with harmful UV rays, it releases melanin to protect itself. Melanin acts as a natural sunscreen, absorbing the energy from UV rays and redistributing it . However, too much sun exposure at once can cause an overload of melanin, resulting in dark spots. Hyperpigmentation is also a result of sun-damaged skin over the years, driven by frequent exposure to the sun while skin was left unprotected.

Solution: If you're noticing new skin pigmentation, it's time to start shielding your skin from the sun. Prevent UV exposure by wearing sun hats and sunscreen .By adding daily sunscreen to your morning skin care routine ,you take preventative measures to protect your skin now and in the future.

UV rays are not the only triggers that overproduce melanin; heat can cause it, too. Do your best to avoid activities in sweltering conditions, and when you are in the sun, try to keep your skin cool to reduce dark spots from forming.

2: Hormones

Much like too much sun causes an increase in the production of melanin, hormones also play a role. Extra hormones stimulate melanin production, leaving you with dark spots on your cheeks, jawline, nose, forehead, or chin. This type of hyperpigmentation is not always permanent and usually lasts until your hormone levels return to a balance. Hormone imbalance leading to hyperpigmentation is commonly observed in pregnant women, individuals undergoing hormone therapies, and those who recently changed their birth control.

Solution : The best way to stop or reduce pigmentation issues brought on by hormones is to bring your hormones back into balance. If you believe hormones are the cause of your dark spots, we recommend speaking with a healthcare professional to develop a plan that best works for you and your body's unique needs. In the meantime, applying topical antioxidants like any Active Concentrates Vitamin B3 + Vitamin C Serum can improve the appearance of discoloration and uneven skin tone. This lightweight serum is expertly formulated with Vitamin B and Vitamin C, which work together to inhibit excess melanin production, target discoloration, and unevenness, and ultimately improve radiance and luminosity for healthy-looking skin. 

3: Inflammation

The third most common cause of dark spots is inflammation. Hyperpigmentation frequently forms after inflammation or injury to the skin. Acne, allergic reactions, and skin conditions like eczema can contribute to skin discoloration. When damage is caused to the skin, it tries to heal itself. As it heals, it produces melanin, and more often than not, it creates more than is needed. This excess melanin darkens the skin, meaning that even after the wound has healed, a dark spot is left behind

Solution : Whenever possible, avoid inflammation. However, because inflammation is a natural response in the body, don’t stress if you experience it. When it comes to your skin, post Inflammatory hyperpigmentation happens because your body is trying to heal itself. While you may not be able to prevent all wounds, you can avoid exacerbating inflammation by choosing not to pick at pimples, use harsh chemicals, or undergo intense skin treatments that might bother your skin texture and tone. Additionally, when you use acne scar products, make sure they're gentle on skin and follow up with a soothing moisturizer.

Our Skin Health Experts recommend using sunscreen daily at the end of your skincare routine. You’ll want to use a product with a minimum of SPF 30 protection to help minimize age spots from surfacing in the future. If you’re curious to learn more about it Contact KEMPS skin clinic.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

12 things you need to know before Laser Hair Removal

If you're considering laser hair removal, 12 things you need to know before going for Laser hair removal

There are so many pros to getting laser beyond just the hair removal aspect. If you are susceptible to ingrown hairs that aggravate your skin and cause hyperpigmentation (super common in deep skin tones skin) then it can help to eliminate this.


Dermatologist Dr. Manju Keshrai says that laser hair removal works by sending the light of a laser through the pigment in the hair. “This (light) converts to heat, which damages the hair follicle and hair bulb.” Some people found it to be a quick, sharp pain which they found more painful on thinner skin near their nose, chin and temples. Thankfully, the lasers used had a cooling mechanism (basically a constantly running cold blast of air right where the laser was pointing) which really helped.


It takes two or three weeks after your first treatment to see a difference, and 8 -12 treatments to get the full result. You also have to be really regular with your appointments because your hair follicles are all at different stages of their growth..


The laser can react with hair on the skin’s surface which will cause some irritation and maybe dreaded burnt hair smell; you do have to make sure you have prepared properly before each visit though for the optimum results. The area must be cleanly shaved within 24 hours prior to the treatment. Electric razors are not recommended as the hair is typically left too long.


You can go in for a full face appointments and they only take 20 minutes.


The heat from the laser stays in your skin for 24 hours so no gym, saunas, hot showers, you get it. If you do, you run the risk of creating a lovely warm environment for bacteria to multiply and give you spots. Gross.


The dermatologist will advise what is best for you, but you might need to avoid sunbathing and sun exposure as much as possible before and after treatment. Also if you have a tan you’ll need to wait till it fades before you can start your treatment.


It’s true, particular types of hair can be stimulated into growing longer and thicker. But don’t worry, if hair isn’t suitable, your dermatologist will let you know. Dermatologist says that , Yes, in a rare number of cases laser hair removal can stimulate growth.


Scrubs, glycolic acid and retinol creams should be avoided 2 days before and after treatment. you avoid chemical peels and similarly you should wait 1-2 weeks before using fake tan.


Laser can actually help with irritating AF ingrown hairs.“Aside from clearer, smoother skin and permanent hair reduction, laser hair removal also boasts benefits including helping to reduce ingrowing hairs and less irritation of the skin. This is because the treatment encourages hair to grow straight,” said by dermatologist


Plucking, waxing and bleaching impedes the process. If you want to be hairless throughout the process, go the shaving route instead. You’ll need these tips to make each shave last longer though.


The hair just needs to be dark enough to drawn the laser. skin use long pulsed ND : YAG lasers – which are safer for treating pigmented or darker skin tones.

“Older laser hair removal technology was previously not recommended for people of darker skin tones, in particular those with Black or Asian skin,” says skin specialist. “The energy from the laser targets the pigment in the hair, with the pigment of the skin being shallower, this could lead the laser to be attracted to the skin rather than the pigment in the hair. Putting darker skin tones at risk of burning.”


Most people report 90 percent permanent reduction in hair growth but fluctuating hormones can make hair grow back. "Depending on your hair growth and each individual clients' case, at the end of the treatments we may recommend some top up treatments which could take place with larger periods in between quarterly, or twice a year," say by Dermatologist.

Friday 16 April 2021

Moles Removal by Laser

As we’ve seen above, laser surgery is a fantastic way to have nuisance moles removed without scarring, downtime or much pain either. However, using a laser to remove moles, skin tags or even warts is usually reserved for the cases that can benefit the most from it. This includes non-cancerous, shallow or above-skin moles, when the patient can afford the procedure.

At The KEMPS Skin Clinic, our team of highly skilled skin care professionals are trained to use the latest techniques and technology to remove suspect moles.

Can moles be removed by laser?

In short, yes. Some types of moles can be remove with the help of  laser  by a trained professional. Previously, lasers weren’t quite effective in removing moles due to technology limitations, which has improved significantly over the years. The main problem was due to the fact that these lasers weren’t able to penetrate the skin deep enough to fully remove a mole.

With the latest improvements in laser technology, we are now able to penetrate deep enough into the skin and with enough power to remove moles without surgery!  A quick visit with us can determine if you’re a candidate for laser mole removal.

Is laser mole removal safe?

When performed by trained professionals, such as the providers here at The Dermatology Specialists, it’s perfectly safe and in most cases, the best option depending on the type or mole.

Post laser mole removal care:

Your laser mole removal procedure takes approximately 30 minutes altogether depending on the number and size of the mole(s) being removed.

Immediately following your laser treatment, you may notice a small red mark around the area where your mole was removed.

From there, your mole will scab over and after about 10 to 14 days, the scab will fade until you’re left with a smooth pink mark, which will usually fade with time.

Caring for your mole wound over the course of a couple weeks post-treatment will be the same as caring for any other small cut. Wash with care, DON’T pick at it, and let your skin heal naturally.

Monday 5 April 2021

Alovera and its skin benefit

If you’ve ever spent a bit too much time in the sun, you’re probably very aware of one of the many benefits of Aloe vera.

In addition to its cooling and soothing properties on sunburnt skin, it’s also an all-natural, super-hydrating ally to your everyday skin and hair care routines!

Lucky for us, Aloe vera is inexpensive, versatile, and easy to find at your local shopes, Drug store, and even home& Kitech gardens.

This unsuspecting pulpy plant is very easy to apply to your skin and has a light, non-greasy, hydrating “formula”.

·         Aloe vera gel contains 96% water!

·         All the extra power is packed into the remaining 4%.

·         No wonder it’s so hydrating!

·         Aloe vera has been used for centuries.


Six thousand years old carvings of the plant have been discovered in Egypt, where it was considered the “Plant of immortality”.

It’s rumored that even Cleopatra used aloe vera to protect her royal skin from the desert heat and dryness.

It has been used to treat wounds and even help with digestion when ingested as it serves as a mild laxative.

Due to its ability to grow in even the driest environments and its many healing benefits for the body, inside and out, it can now be procured worldwide.

Benift of using Aloe Vera

·         Reduce Wrinkles and Signs of Aging

·         The aloe vera plant has been effective at treating first and second-degree burns, which includes most sunburns.

·         Brighten Skin and Reduce Hyperpigmentation

·         Rather than leaving a heavy, sometimes oily feeling on your skin, aloe is clear, lightweight, and soothing moisturizers.

·         Aloe vera contains salicylic acid, which helps to gently dry acne while providing anti-inflammatory benefits to reduce redness and inflammation to irritated acne.

·         Aloe helps to heal scratches and other small wounds on the face and body by boosting collagen and fighting bacteria.

·         Aloe Vera can also be used in the case of more extreme skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

How to Apply Pure Aloe as a Moisturizer:

Aloe alone can make a great, clean substitute for your everyday moisturizer whenever you’re running low or looking for a new alternative.

Freshly harvested gel can be applied directly to the skin or stored overnight in the fridge so it’s ready for you in the morning!

Once you have your gel, just rub pieces of the gel over your skin in a thin layer. It may feel a bit slimy, but it shouldn’t be heavy. You can also apply to the lips for extra hydration. Allow the gel to dry, then apply your makeup as usual! Repeat twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening after washing your face, for the best results.

For more skin care related query you may contact KEMPS Skin Clinic.

Saturday 27 March 2021

What is Mesotherapy?

Though many turn to mesotherapy for its flow-inducing properties on the face, it's also often used on the body or even on the scalp. "There are different types of mesotherapy that can be administered, each designed and tailored depending on what the concerns such as collagen loss, hair loss, cellulite, or even excess fat.

The Benefits of Mesotherapy:

·         Stimulates collagen production

·         Smooths wrinkles and fine lines

·         Improves the texture of skin

·         Improves symmetry of the face

·         Targets cellulite

·         Remove fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, legs, arms, and face.

·         Reduce cellulite.

·         Fade wrinkles and lines.

·         Tighten loose skin.

·         Recontour the body.

·         Lighten pigmented skin.

·         Treat alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss.

While mesotherapy is used for a range of issues, it's recently become especially popular when used on the face, to impart a youthful look. "The physical technique stimulates fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin," explains skin specialist . "Then, think of the fibroblasts as depleted of nutrients—hyaluronic acid, vitamin, minerals, essential amino acids, growth factors, stem cells, etc.— you can then tailor what nutrients you want to give the fibroblasts, according to the patient's needs and age."

Mesotherapy is also not a filler, so as she  explains, "it cannot replace volume loss, however, it will prolong the life of a filler and it will stimulate collagen and elastin where there is loss of volume and therefore improve plumpness on the face." It's also a solid choice for those looking to get a more symmetrical look. "Mesotherapy is brilliant for perpendicular lip lines, dry dehydrated lips and the barcode wrinkles patients get adjacent to the mouth and under the cheekbones," she says.

Potential Side Effects

Depending upon where on your body you have the procedure performed, you can expect possible bruising or swelling at the injection site and possibly some sensitivity.


As with treatments such as Botox or fillers, your provider may ask that you refrain from strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours post-treatment, and stay out of the sun for a few days. If you experience minor discomfort, an over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol will help.

KEMPS Skin Clinic provides Mesotherapy treatments at Vaishali, Ghaziabad. You may contact and book prior appointment to get better services.

Thursday 18 March 2021

What to do if sudden earlobe tears?

Sudden earlobe tears usually happen when a child or pet grabs an earring and pulls on it. More rarely, torn earlobes occur when dangling earrings get caught in hair or clothing. Regardless of what causes your earlobe to tear, you’ll need to act quickly to treat your injury: The earlobes naturally receive very little blood flow (they have poorer circulation than other extremities, like the hands and feet), so they need to be repaired promptly to prevent permanent tissue damage.

Immediately after your injury, place gauze over the wound and apply gentle pressure to slow the bleeding. (If you don’t have gauze on hand, try using a clean washcloth to control bleeding.)

Don’t place ice directly on the wound; ice will restrict circulation to the area and potentially delay healing. The extreme cold can also worsen the pain you feel. Instead of grabbing ice cubes, use a cool compress to reduce inflammation. Then, as soon as you’ve covered your wound, head to the nearest emergency room to have the tear closed with sutures. Don’t leave it to nature to take care of it. 


Sometimes, a small portion of tissue gets torn from the ear during a traumatic injury. If this happens to you, dampen a piece of gauze or cloth and carefully wrap up the severed piece of tissue. Place the wrapped piece of earlobe on a bed of ice cubes, then drive to the nearest hospital immediately. Be aware, however, that severed pieces of earlobe cannot always be successfully reattached (because of the poor blood flow to the area). In most cases, severely torn earlobes require the attention of a skilled plastic surgeon, who can surgically reconstruct the shape of your earlobe. 

How to treat Tear and holes ?

Earlobe stretching is sometimes done intentionally (a practice called ear gauging), but it can also happen accidentally over time. Frequently wearing heavy, dangling earrings often causes earring holes to gradually enlarge, usually over the course of two to three decades. This happens due to the combined effects of gravity and collagen loss: The skin, cartilage, and connective tissues in your ears become weaker as collagen levels drop with age. As a result of this collagen loss, the earlobes can’t support the weight of heavy earrings anymore, and both the lobes and the holes in them elongate. If this stretching isn’t treated, the earlobes may split below the earring holes, making it impossible to wear earrings.

If your earlobes are severely stretched or split, you’ll need to seek medical care if you want to restore their form and function. Though stretched or split earlobes that result from earring use (not injury) aren’t considered an emergency, they still require the attention of an experienced plastic surgeon. Without surgical intervention, your stretched earlobes won’t be able to support earrings anymore, and they’ll retain a saggy look that ages your face. If you’ve gauged your ears in the past, your earlobes may look particularly wrinkled, distorted, and unsightly when you remove your plugs. Because earlobe repair surgery is quick, affordable, and generally painless, most people prefer to have their stretched earlobes fixed in our clinic, rather than having to live with them. 

How Do We Surgically Repair Torn, Stretched, or Sagging Earlobes?

Whether your earlobes have been damaged by sudden trauma, natural aging, or gauging, earlobe repair surgery can restore their original shape. This operation doesn’t require sedation (it can be performed with just local anesthetic), and it can usually be completed in under an hour, so you shouldn’t let fear of having surgery dissuade you from fixing your earlobes. This type of procedure is only minimally invasive, and our doctors will completely numb your earlobes to ensure your comfort during repair. You’ll also be able to go home right after your operation and resume light activities, before returning to work the following day. 

To perform earlobe repair surgery, our doctors make an incision in each earlobe, then they remove any damaged tissue that is present.Then, the patient’s incisions are closed with sutures, which are typically removed after one to two weeks. Removing damaged tissue makes elongated earlobes smaller and allows healthy earlobe tissue to heal together, which closes previously gaping or split earring holes. 


Recovering from earlobe surgery is typically very easy:

You’ll notice some redness and swelling for a few days, then your earlobes will return to normal. Still, it’s important to understand that while your earlobes may look better after a week, deeper tissue healing takes a long time. Caring for your ears correctly while they heal is absolutely essential if you want to prevent future stretching. 

·         After you have earlobe surgery, keep your ears protected from sun exposure when you go .

·         Though most people can wear earrings after having their earlobes repaired, you’ll need to wait at least two months before having your ears pierced again. Wearing earrings too early during recovery will damage your earlobes

·         To maintain the results of your earlobe repair procedure, we recommend do not wearing heavy or dangling earrings .

Can I Use Dermal Fillers to Repair My Earlobes?

In some cases, dermal filler injections can improve the appearance of stretched earlobes, though fillers can’t mend split earlobes on their own. Dermal fillers can be used in place of surgery (if your earlobes have not split), or they can be used to enhance the results of traditional earlobe repair, e.g., through scar revision. 

When dermal fillers are injected into scar tissue, they elevate indentations in the skin, thereby making scars less visible. They also encourage long-term tissue healing. If you had your earlobes sutured after a traumatic injury and don’t like the way your scars look, dermal fillers may be able to help.

Dermal filler injections are safe and painless, but they don’t last forever. If you want to use fillers to repair your earlobes, you’ll need to have your injections repeated once or twice per year. Earlobe repair surgery, on the other hand, produces results that last ten years or longer (with appropriate care). 

KEMPS Skin Clinic provides Earlobe repair treatment at Vaishali, Ghaziabad. You may contact and book prior appointment to get better services.

Friday 5 March 2021

 What is Cyst?

A cyst is an abnormal, sac-like structure that can be found anywhere in the body. Cysts usually contain a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance and have an outer wall, known as the capsule. Cysts may be small and visible only under a microscope, or they may grow to a very large size and displace normal body structures.

What are the different types of cysts?

Cysts occur commonly in numerous tissues and organs and are often named according to their particular anatomic location (for example ovarian cysts, bladder cysts, breast cysts, liver cysts, kidney cysts, pancreatic cysts, vaginal cysts, skin cysts, thyroid cysts). Certain types of cysts also have special designations and nomenclature. Examples of these include:

·         Ganglion cyst: a cyst around a tendon, most commonly occurring at the wrist

·         Baker's cyst: a cyst containing joint fluid that is located in popliteal space behind the knee

·         Bartholin's cyst: cystic enlargement of small glands near the vaginal opening

·         Nabothian cyst: a mucus-filled cyst on the surface of the uterine cervix

·         Pilonidal cysts: cysts that arise in the soft tissue at the base of the tailbone (coccyx) of the lower back, just above the natal cleft (the cleavage between the buttocks)

·         Dermoid cyst: a type of benign tumor of the ovary that contains multiple cystic spaces and various tissue types

Medical procedures for cyst removal

It can be difficult to identify a cyst versus a boil, skin abscess, or something else that may need treatment. That’s why it’s important to see a doctor for diagnosis.

It’s possible your cyst may not have to be removed. Your doctor may recommend other treatment depending on the type and location of the cyst.

When a cyst must be removed, here are some methods your doctor may use:


Under local anesthesia, a doctor will make a small incision through which the cyst can be drained. Your doctor may pack some gauze into the wound, which can be removed after a day or two. To treat or prevent infection, you may need to take antibiotics. Your wound should heal within a week or two.

Drainage is not recommended for epidermoid or pilar cysts on the skin. The procedure leaves these cysts in the skin, which will eventually cause them to recur.

Drainage can also cause scarring on the surface of the skin and under the skin. This can make cysts more difficult to remove in the future.

Fine-needle aspiration

For this procedure, a doctor will insert a thin needle into the cyst to drain the fluid. This should make the lump less noticeable.

This method may be used for breast cysts, which can sometimes recur. Fine-needle aspiration is also used for biopsy procedures to determine if a breast lump contains cancer cells.


Surgery is an option for some types of cysts, such as ganglion, Baker’s, and dermoid cysts. Local anesthetic can be used to numb the area. After making a small cut, the doctor will pull out the cyst.

Surgical removal of the cyst will result in a scar. The size of the scar depends on several factors, including the size of the cyst.

Ganglion cysts and Baker’s cysts sometimes recur after surgery.


Certain cysts, such as those that develop in the ovaries, can be removed laparoscopically. In this procedure, a surgeon uses a scalpel to make a few small incisions. Then they insert a thin camera called a laparoscope into one of the incisions to help them view and remove the cyst.

This procedure results in only a few small scars because of the small size of the incisions.

KEMPS Skin Clinic provides cyst removal services at Vaishali, Ghaziabad. You may contact and book prior appointment to get better services .